Maker Pro
Maker Pro

what is the most efficient motor & generators


A. Jacobs

what is the most efficient electric generator?

what is the most efficient electric motor?

Can a generator charge enough electricity to power a motor continuously? I
assume there will be loss of energy. How best to supplement to loss of
energy to make this operation continuous. This can be small power, such as
12VDC system.

Tim Shoppa

what is the most efficient electric generator?
what is the most efficient electric motor?

In both cases, one that isn't turning and has no current flowing.
How best to supplement to loss of
energy to make this operation continuous.

Best way is to not run them when you don't need them.

Traction motor/regeneration systems are a different matter, there you
try to optimize efficiency given that you need to accelerate and
decelerate frequently, and many modern designs use the motor as the
generator. Just not both at the same time like you seem to want!

In fact motors already work as generators while turning, this leads to
"back EMF". After an unloaded motor spins up to full speed then the
back EMF is nearly equal to the applied voltage (the difference being
due to electrical and mechanical losses).


Don Lancaster

A. Jacobs said:
what is the most efficient electric generator?

what is the most efficient electric motor?

Can a generator charge enough electricity to power a motor continuously? I
assume there will be loss of energy. How best to supplement to loss of
energy to make this operation continuous. This can be small power, such as
12VDC system.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
voice: (928)428-4073 email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

Rich Grise

what is the most efficient electric generator?

what is the most efficient electric motor?

Can a generator charge enough electricity to power a motor continuously? I
assume there will be loss of energy. How best to supplement to loss of
energy to make this operation continuous. This can be small power, such as
12VDC system.

Where are we referring the perpetual motion questions to these days? :)


Glen Walpert

I read in that Rich Grise <[email protected]>

That nice Australian guy who's always so helpful?

(You have a choice!)

What does motor and generator efficiency have to do with perpetual
motion? Did anyone mention to the OP that motor and generator
efficiencies top out at a bit above 90% these days, typ about 92% for
a "premium efficiency" integral horespower machine at full load, less
at reduced loads? Not sure what the record is, but I think even the
big experimental superconducting rotor winding motors or generators do
not exceed 95%, and they are surely the efficiency record holders.

A. Jacobs

The question is what is the MOST efficient motors and generators? So that we
can understand what is the loss factory.

Not perpetual.

Then, we can implement methods to recharge the loss, using something such as
rechargeable battery and charging using solar cells during day light hours.

Will that work?