Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What gadget/s can't you currently leave your home without and why ?



What specific gadget/s (as in the brand and model) can't you
(seriously or humorously) leave your home without and please say why,
for anything named. It's fine if anything mentioned is primarily
phone - mobile phone related, but it doesn't have to be.


Steve said:
What specific gadget/s (as in the brand and model) can't you
(seriously or humorously) leave your home without and please say why,
for anything named. It's fine if anything mentioned is primarily
phone - mobile phone related, but it doesn't have to be.

In my life so far I have installed WANs (Cisco routers, microwave radios,
work with T-1s T-3s and up to OC-48 and Fore/Marconi ATM switches - install
hardware and do the programming), install and do M.A.C.s of PBXs (Nortel
Option 81c, Opt. 11c, Callpilot, etc. - install and do the programming), ran
a computer repair department (both PCs and APPLE Macs), repair TVs, VCRs and
Pioneer Laser Disc units and worked in the prototype department of a LORAN-C
manufacturer, worked in a plastics chemistry lab and designed assembly lines
complete with the programming and installation of programmable controllers,
plus other experiences. In college I studied such things as Psychology,
mechanical engeniering, physics, ergonomics and human factors ( human -
machine interactions ) and math. Thus, I am no stranger to High-Tech..

My wife is a gadget person and has a blog, a facebook page, an iPhone, etc.
and thinks I'm strange because I seldom even use a cell phone, I pay bills
by checks through the mail, don't like to buy anything unless I have the
cash for it (almost never use credit cards) and seldom watch TV or listen to
the radio.

After all that, I have to say that, though it may be ironic, I can't think
of anything that I would feel bad about leaving at home.

I would personally be happy if I could live a simple life, ride a horse or
my mt bike to work and look forward to only having a good book and good
dinner to come home to.

As far as gadgets go, I can't think of anything since the late 1800's that I
would feel bad about leaving at home.

Sorry for cutting the number of NGs to four but my host sucks and limits it
to 4 max..


In my life so far I have installed WANs (Cisco routers, microwave radios,
work with T-1s T-3s and up to OC-48 and Fore/Marconi ATM switches - install
hardware and do the programming), install and do M.A.C.s of  PBXs (Nortel
Option 81c, Opt. 11c, Callpilot, etc. - install and do the programming), ran
a computer repair department (both PCs and APPLE Macs), repair TVs, VCRs and
Pioneer Laser Disc units and worked in the prototype department of a LORAN-C
manufacturer, worked in a plastics chemistry lab and designed assembly lines
complete with the programming and installation of programmable controllers,
plus other experiences. In college I studied such things as Psychology,
mechanical engeniering, physics, ergonomics and human factors ( human -
machine interactions ) and math. Thus, I am no stranger to High-Tech..

My wife is a gadget person and has a blog, a facebook page, an iPhone, etc.
and thinks I'm strange because I seldom even use a cell phone, I pay bills
by checks through the mail, don't like to buy anything unless I have the
cash for it (almost never use credit cards) and seldom watch TV or listento
the radio.

After all that, I have to say that, though it may be ironic, I can't think
of anything that I would feel bad about leaving at home.

I would personally be happy if I could live a simple life, ride a horse or
my mt bike to work and look forward to only having a good book and good
dinner to come home to.

As far as gadgets go, I can't think of anything since the late 1800's that I
would feel bad about leaving at home.

Sorry for cutting the number of NGs to four but my host sucks and limits it
to 4 max..

..................and you dabble in too. What about a wee help you SPELL, gadget-head. Shocking! :)

William Sommerwerck

If you're looking for something that isn't obvious -- cell phone, navigator,
jukebox, PDA, etc -- I can't think of any.

I normally carry my cell phone -- for emergencies or long-distance calls, as
it's normally turned off -- and my PDA, which stores a lot of useful and
necessary information. But I wouldn't "die" if I left these or the other
items at home.

K Ludger

Steve said:
What specific gadget/s (as in the brand and model) can't you
(seriously or humorously) leave your home without and please say why,
for anything named. It's fine if anything mentioned is primarily
phone - mobile phone related, but it doesn't have to be.

Pacemaker & insulin pump.

Elmo P. Shagnasty

William Sommerwerck said:
If you're looking for something that isn't obvious -- cell phone, navigator,
jukebox, PDA, etc -- I can't think of any.

ummm....I can leave home without ALL of those things.


What specific gadget/s (as in the brand and model) can't you
(seriously or humorously) leave your home without and please say why,
for anything named. It's fine if anything mentioned is primarily
phone - mobile phone related, but it doesn't have to be.

The only thing that I absolutely must have are my pants. My wife says
that were I to leave them home, the women would mob me, and the men
would lynch me.

Cell phone is the only thing. I don't have anythign else that I carry.
I even leave my car keys in the car so I don't carry them either.

William Sommerwerck

The only thing that I absolutely must have are my pants.
My wife says that were I to leave them home, the women
would mob me, and the men would lynch me.

Oh? Would the noose be snug enough?


I see a quick profit here! Where do you park your car?

In my garage... <g> However many people where I live don't take their
keys out of the car. It is not uncommon to see a car running at the
convience store in the winter, no one in it. (Yea, a few get stolen,


Richard B. Gilbert wrote on [Thu, 04 Dec 2008 15:39:02 -0500]:
We now live in a much better neighborhood but we do not tempt our
neighbors or their children. We installed deadbolt locks, and we use
them without fail. Our neighbors think we're crazy but we will be the
last on the block, not the first, to have a breakin.

Locks only keep the honest or lazy out. How do you know that you having
deadbolts doesn't mean the thieves think you have something worth

Skybuck Flying


Sorry couldn't resist LOL ;) :)


Skybuck Flying


Now I have to make up for more stupid/sillyness.

Only thing I take with me is my watch:

In case somebody asks:

"What time is it ?" ;) :)

The watch is kinetic so my body-movement provides for the energy and it has
a little battery...

And when I press a button the pointers move around and then stop to show how
much energy it has...

Then it waits for the extra time to elapse again... and then it starts
ticking as normal again.

When it's low on energy the pointers start making a hearbeat movement...

Like tick-tick, tick-tick, tick-tick to indicate it's last hearbeats ;)

Kinda cool isn't it ? ;)

I only wish it had special paint on the pointers so it would light up in the
dark ! ;) :)

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Reminds me of a story of my dad, can't remember exactly but it went
something like this:

He had a store... had cash in the store... was about to go home... or maybe
it was in the morning.

His store was very long... I think he heard something in the back... so he
went to take a look.

Then somebody snuck into the store at the front... went into the middle of
the store where the money bag was... stole it and went outside.

My farther did hear the doorbell.. so he went to the front of the store...
and saw the door was left standing open... I think he saw a nigga
walking/running away or something like that...

Then he went back into the middle of the store and he noticed his money bag
was gone !

It all happened in under one minute.

Seems reasonable to suspect it must have been two persons... one in the back
causing the distraction... and one sneaking into the front to steal stuff.

Also long ago my brother lost an expensive kinda-golden plated speed-bicycle
he made himself...

He parked it outside for 30 seconds or so... he went inside came back...
poof gone.

I was like 5 years old or so... at the time... so I saw how fast it went...

I didn't see nobody.. it was like... now you see it... now you dont...

Thiefs are hell-fast !


Rich Grise

What specific gadget/s (as in the brand and model) can't you currently
(seriously or humorously) leave your home without and please say why, for
anything named. It's fine if anything mentioned is primarily cell
phone - mobile phone related, but it doesn't have to be.

My cash and my reading glasses. ;-)



My cash and my reading glasses. ;-)
I left the house without my wallet last week to go Black Friday
shopping. Good thing I had my brother along with me. ;-) OTOH, I
didn't even thinl about the latter when the question was asked. The
glasses are a must (though never wore them as recently as two years


You must live in a very good neighborhood!

I learned in a hard school! For several years I lived about two blocks
from the Trenton, NJ city line. My house was broken into once and there
were two other unsuccessful attempts. A neighbor came out of her house
one morning started her car and went back into her house for something.

A nigger (he earned that appellation) was loitering in a small park
across the street. He did the hundred yard dash, jumped in the car, and
drove off with it!

We now live in a much better neighborhood but we do not tempt our
neighbors or their children. We installed deadbolt locks, and we use
them without fail. Our neighbors think we're crazy but we will be the
last on the block, not the first, to have a breakin.

Don't get me wrong, I do worry about security. The fact that I use
four security cameras, with a system that monitors the video feeds
looking for movement in certain hot spots (doorways, etc.) all make me
feel safer.

But, as well, where I live things are relatively safe. Our state is a
free (open) carry state, and not too many people break into country
houses around here for that rason alone: they are likely to get their
tail blown off...