Maker Pro
Maker Pro

what a daisy chain is ?

Hi everyone,
It seems a simple question.But I still have something i
cannot completly understand.

A daisy chain is often used a mulidrop topology, which need an
end-termination. And, source-termination doesnot work properly in
daisy chain,because the device in the middle of the chain would get a
So, in a design , i should figure out minimul distance between,
say two receivers. in other words, beyond what distance between two
receivers , source-termination should not be used, and this topology
can be named a daisy chain?

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thank you all!
daisy chains refers to a ground sckeme wherby amp A ad B and so forth are strung sequentualy in serial matter as opposed to amp having its own gnd from the source. implication I*R drop on any one wil introduce signal to the rest.