Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Weston model 1921T meter


Sam Goldwasser

I'm looking for the meter movement from this 3" analog panel meter. It's
50 uA full scale (not sure if the 1921 specifies that) and that would be
preferred, but if you have something mechanically identical but up to 1 mA
full scale or so, that would probably be acceptable. For that matter, I
suppose it doesn't even need to be Weston as long as the mounting is the

It's not not worth it to me to spend much more than shipping but if you
do have one that works cluttering your junk drawer, let me know what you
want for it.


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Jim Adney

I'm looking for the meter movement from this 3" analog panel meter. It's
50 uA full scale (not sure if the 1921 specifies that) and that would be
preferred, but if you have something mechanically identical but up to 1 mA
full scale or so, that would probably be acceptable. For that matter, I
suppose it doesn't even need to be Weston as long as the mounting is the

Got a link to a photo so we know what to look for?
