Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WES51 connector shell disassembly - intermittent tip heating

Does anyone know how to disassemble the external connector's shell that plugs into the WES51's base?

My WES51 tip sometimes heats intermittently, the green heating LED going dark on occasion. I've noticed when jiggling the cable just beyond the strain connector going into the base that that seems to be where a possible, intermittent open exists, because the green LED will light back up when the cable is jostled.

I've disconnected the connector and carefully bent the semi-circular, female mating parts of the connector housed inside the base unit, so I'm confident that those connections are good. I think my problem is either inside the shell of the external connector, or in the cable portion under the flexible portion of the connector shell--that flexible plastic netting, sort of--or in the cable portion just centimeters beyond the end of that flexible portion of the connector shell.

My problem is that I can't figure out how to disassemble the external, plastic connector shell. There doesn't appear to be clips holding different parts together, or an opening, or any hints that would let me take the connector apart. I want to get inside, examine the wiring, maybe cut off a few inches if I can identify where an open is, then resolder and reassemble the unit back together.

I think they call that shell design unserviceable.

Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? :cool: