Maker Pro
Maker Pro

weird question... i think

just wondering... what would happen if U connected an antenna to the speaker jacks on an audio amplifier / reciever ...? i know no sound would come out... but would the antenna output sound waves on some etheric level? Thanks. :)

First off, don't short the output jacks of your amp with the antenna wire.
Antenna are designed to transmit or receive on higher radio frequencies.
Amplifier outputs are designed to output lower audio frequencies.
Theoretically I suppose and antenna connected to an amp output jack would be
outputting a low frequency, but not useful because of frequency and tuning of antenna.
In practical terms, all's you'd be doing is creating electrical noise. And if the antenna
touches something during this experiment, the output of the amp would be shorted to
whatever the antenna touched, possibly damaging the amp.
(That's the reason amp output cables are shielded and insulated).
Maybe somebody here will have a technologically deeper explaination for you.
Well, for an antenna to radiate much energy it would need to be about 1/4 the wavelengh. At 20Hz that would be 3750 Km.

Yagi antennae usually have a loop radiating element which is close to a short at low frequencies,

Bye bye amp.
Thanks for the replys... just wondering what would happen... not much apparently... ;)

Better re-read what advice was given. It is a good way to short your amplifier and ruin it. That is a little more then nothing. You should have said, "Nothing good!"
One thing you could do is mess with the earthquake satellites.....

Spacecraft Saw ULF Radio Emissions over Haiti before January Quake
December 9, 2010 by Editor

Geoscientists say that the DEMETER satellite saw a clear increase in ultralow frequency radio waves for a period of one month before the M 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in January. “The results … clearly indicate that ULF electromagnetic waves can be very useful in revealing possible precursor seismic phenomena,” they suggested.

Ref: Enhanced ULF Radiation Observed By DEMETER Two Months Around the Strong 2010 Haiti Earthquake.

Topics: Physics/Cosmology