Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Weird ebay auction. Someone please tell me what this kit is for.



This has been driving me crazy. Someone here has got to know what
this kit is for.

I almost bought it because whoever won it got one heck of a deal.
Those larger gears are worth 100 each easy and he paid 98 for the
whole thing. Amazing kit of very expensive looking precision parts.
Kinda reminds me of an optical table or something. Would be kinda
fun to play with. Could use small large, small large..etc.l gears
together with flywheel and make one heck of a geared down push car.
Anyways...I know I have seen those black discs with numbers on the rim
somewhere and it is really driving me nuts. Know this is little off
topic but there are a bunch of brilliant people here so someone has to
know. Teaching aid? Repair kit for something?

please help before I geek out.

Dave VanHorn

Look in a WM Berg catalog, and prepare to be made ill by the price of that


ARGH! That is funny! I almost bid on it because I thought it would be
neat to build some models of geared mechanisms like this page has:

I figured perhaps that the gears were specialized and not enough would
mesh together to make something neat. Turns out it is for that
purpose. Ah well...would have been fun toy. I even wrote the seller
to ask if there was a makers mark on it anywhere..he said no.

Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\

Dave VanHorn said:
Look in a WM Berg catalog, and prepare to be made ill by the price of that

I got on their website and I couldn't find it. Their online catalog
won't let you browse it, and the only thing I could find was protyping
kits, no more info or pics. And then there weren't any prices. A User
unfriendly website.