Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Weird CRT monitor acting like an LCD !


(Just) Allan

I have a 21" Dell CRT monitor. About a third of the way from the top
of the screen there is a horizontal line - just like you see when an
entire line of pixels fails on an LCD monitor. It's only very faint
at the moment. The line is dead still (doesn't roll with the refresh
rate) and it is (obviously) more noticeable when the screen is white
or the white mouse pointer is positioned so the line passes through

What would cause this kind of fault !?


Dave D

(Just) Allan said:
I have a 21" Dell CRT monitor. About a third of the way from the top
of the screen there is a horizontal line - just like you see when an
entire line of pixels fails on an LCD monitor. It's only very faint
at the moment. The line is dead still (doesn't roll with the refresh
rate) and it is (obviously) more noticeable when the screen is white
or the white mouse pointer is positioned so the line passes through

What would cause this kind of fault !?


It sounds like it might be a trinitron/aperture grill CRT, which has support
wires approx 1/3 from the top and bottom of the screen. If so, this isn't a
fault, it's perfectly normal. Generally the wires should be very faint,
though noticeable on light screens.


James Sweet

(Just) Allan said:
I have a 21" Dell CRT monitor. About a third of the way from the top
of the screen there is a horizontal line - just like you see when an
entire line of pixels fails on an LCD monitor. It's only very faint
at the moment. The line is dead still (doesn't roll with the refresh
rate) and it is (obviously) more noticeable when the screen is white
or the white mouse pointer is positioned so the line passes through

What would cause this kind of fault !?


Sounds like you have a Trinitron, it'd be either vertically flat, or
completely flat face. There's another line about 1/3 up from the bottom,
this is by design and is perfectly normal, I can see the lower one on my
own monitor as I write this, it's quite faint though, I don't notice it
unless I look for it.

(Just) Allan

Sounds like you have a Trinitron, it'd be either vertically flat, or
completely flat face. There's another line about 1/3 up from the bottom,
this is by design and is perfectly normal, I can see the lower one on my
own monitor as I write this, it's quite faint though, I don't notice it
unless I look for it.

Yep, that's it alright - thanks folks.