Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Water, color and light show, controlled by iPad

Hi Everyone,
I'm a software engineer (11 yrs in the field), that has recently begun electronics engineering. I've decided I'd like to create a water and light show in my back yard that I can sync to music....been done before I know. But my application might be a bit unique.

I want to be able to dynamically control everything via an iPad or iPhone. So no pre-programmed effects on microcontrollers. So software aside (as I know that area), I want to get opinions on most reliable wireless technology for a 100' radius from the source signal. Radio signals vs bluetooth vs wifi?

Basically I want to be able to send a signal from my iPad, and have that sent out to several different microcontrollers in my back yard at the same time to syncronize to playing music. Some microcontrollers will fade\change LED colors, some microcontrollers will control pump pressure for water, etc....

If you were to undertake this job, what would be your overall architectural approach? Please note, that I will be designing my backyard from scratch, and be able to have an electrician pre-wire all necessary outlets if needed. So don't limit your responses to physical concerns. I'm more interested in electronics component and communication feasibility.

Here is what I'm thinking - please tell me if it's reasonable from an electronics components standpoint.

1) Build a lightweight central controller, that can accept a very large amount of rapid bluetooth commands, and send out radio signals to each individual micro-controller at a different frequency. (the receivers will be blocked by various architectural interferences - so this would need to be a reliable & strong radio signal to ensure it can update very rapidly to ensure synchronization with the music)

2) Program an application for iPhone \ iPad that can send generic commands and pair it with bluetooth to the central control board. For instance, tells the central controller, send over frequency X.XX, command "R 130, G 120, B 10".

3) Build many end points boards with configurable frequencies to listen for commands. Each of these controllers would have a different interface depending on their intent. All the LED controllers will have a similar interface with configurable unique frequency, while all the pumps will have a different interface with a configurable unique frequency.

This will get complex...I know, and will have potentially 20-30 controllers going at one time each getting a large amount of commands per second. Each end-point needs to be controlled independently but still remaining in sync with everything else.

So ideally, I would be able to manually control any 1 component by hand on the iPad (for testing), and it would route through the central controller then out on the proper frequency to the appropriate board. OR, I could record a sequence on the iPad, and have it stream the 1000s of commands in real time to the central controller to sync with music playing from the iPad.

So knowing what I want to achieve here, please give me your gut level reaction. (besides the obligatory "you are crazy, it will never work"...haha)

I'm looking for practical advice on where I should focus my research. Components you've used, or think might be applicable to the project would be great as well.

Thanks a lot for your time and help.