Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wanting some help/ advice on a mini greenhouse

I am currently drawing up ideas for a mini greenhouse. I have the main idea, now I'm trying to figure out how to do certain things. For example, I am trying to have an exhaust fan turn on if the humidity reaches a certain point. I have found plenty of fans with temp sensors but nothing with a humidity sensor. So I'm thinking I'll have to get a humidity sensor but then lies the question of how to connect it to the fan and whatnot. I'm guessing I'll have to use a microcontroller such as arduino but I REALLY would prefer not to. If someone has some input it would be greatly appreciated.

I found this but do not know how to use it...
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It all depends on how the sensor works.

Typically you might wire up a comparator so that the output switches at a certain humidity. You need to add some hysteresis so the fan isn't continually turning on and off.

It might end up simpler to use a microcontroller assuming you can write the required program.
Writing the program is the part that gets me haha. I'm still somewhat new to electronics. I've been doing it for about 6 months now and know basics and a little deeper but when it comes to sensors and ICs etc. I get a little lost.

As stated by Steve a microntroller is almost a must for your project.
The DHT11 is a popular and cheap humidity sensor (don't seems as precise as advertised by the way). You can handled your project with an Arduino board and C language via the free Arduino IDE, the community is HUGE.

I you are more comfortable with basic language you can go for the reasonably priced Bascom (and still use an Arduino board). There is a (to be simplified) Bascom green house application note here:
