Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Walkie Talkie - mic/speaker crossing problem

HI electronics-people.. I'm new here, but still need help

I'm working om making my own "simplex/duplex repeater" for walkie talkies..

What I'm doing/have done, is that I have soldered two walkie talkies together, by crossing speaker and mic from the two.

The idea is, that one walkie receives a signal (voice) and when that sound is supposed to come out the speaker, it goes directly into the others mic (a clean signal) and vise versa..
Both walkies have Vox activated, so that they start transmitting when receiving sound in the mic..
They're on different channels, so I can send receive over larger distances.

So I've done it, but run into a problem, and here I need your help.. I can push the call button on a walkie and the sound goes clean through... But if I start talking, then my voice only comes through a little but with a whole lot of noise and cratching and I can barely hear my own voice..

So my question; Do I need some kind of resistor or anything between the speaker and mic?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
OK, lets get a few simple things out of the way:

1) Are the two walkie talkies on different channels? -- Yes, you said that!

2) Do they have a squelch control?

In some respects, you may be better off disconnecting the mic, soldering it to a piece of shielded cable, and physically locating it near the speaker of the other unit. Then wrap foam around both units so that the sound is contained.

Oh, and be aware that this may also be illegal depending on where you are, what frequencies are used, power levels, etc., etc..
Hey Steve..

1.Yes thery are on different channels,

2. Yes they have squelch control.. when not receiving a signal, they do nothing...

and there's nothing illegal about these walkies.. they are normal PMR446 walkies

And yes I have been thinking about just turning them around and wrap them.. but when they are hanging 30meters in the air, I'm thinking it might still not be enough to remove noise from the wind blowing