Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wacom Cintiq death

Hi All,
Not sure anyone can help me but I would appreciate any guidance.
I have an older computer monitor, one that you use a pen to activate the cursor. It's a Wacom Cintiq 21UX model DTZ-2100/G.
It had an accident, it got pushed back a little and went off the edge, did a somersault/backflip and landed flat on the screen. There isn't any apparent damage bot the screen is now black.
Thanks in advance.
Could be anything but it sounds 'fatal' to me. Possibly dislocated the LCD connectors, damaged the backlight etc.

If you hold a torch up to the screen at an acute angle, can you see any displayed data? If so then it's 'only' the backlight that is damaged. If the backlight is by CFL then you may have broken the tube. Repairable if you know how.....