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Simon Scott said:
hello dear
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I think I speak for everyone when I say

'**** off ****'
Sorry Dork, I checked everyone of your posted links and none contain
anything but total crap -- A waste of bandwidth as they say.

You're just another one of thos fucked up brain clueless spammers.
Get a clue.

Harry C.

Simon Scott

Michael said:
Then don't report it, dumb ass. Goggle WILL close an account if
enough people report a spammer.

Im the dumbass?

I just told you that google groups is NOT the usenet.... and your defense is
that google will close this guy's (yahoo!) account if enough people
complain? Google groups is NOT THE USENET.

Look! Over there! A clue! Go grab it quick!

Simon Scott

Michael said:
You truly are a DUMB ASS. They will stop him from logging in with
that Yahoo account. As far as a clue, you'd have to stop playing with
yourself to pick it up.
Man, seriously - give up. You just make yourself look more and more stupid
with every post.

Since you completely lack a clue, why are you pretending you have one?

So tell me, oh wise one, how will Google accomplish this task?

Si Ballenger

I just told you that google groups is NOT the usenet.... and your defense is
that google will close this guy's (yahoo!) account if enough people
complain? Google groups is NOT THE USENET.

Look! Over there! A clue! Go grab it quick!

A quick clue is "google groups" is just a web based interface for
reading/writing to the usenet system (as are the microsoft
"communities"). Check the headers of those that post from google.


You just make yourself look more and more stupid
Simon Scott

It appears that you are the poster boy for stupid, newbie.
When you
have another 5000 posts to Usenet,
your opinion (and that's all you are offering)
might count for something.

To find out how to get someone's Usenet access terminated,
look in the HEADERS (as Terrell did).
Here's what the OP's post looks like, including headers:

Notice where it came from (Organization:)
as well as the Complaints-To: line.

At this point you should apologize to Mr. Terrell.

Simon Scott

JeffM said:
It appears that you are the poster boy for stupid, newbie.
When you
have another 5000 posts to Usenet,
your opinion (and that's all you are offering)
might count for something.

Mate, Id be more inclined to listen to someone who HASNT posted 5000 times
to usenet. Sad.

To find out how to get someone's Usenet access terminated,
look in the HEADERS (as Terrell did).
Here's what the OP's post looks like, including headers:

Notice where it came from (Organization:)
as well as the Complaints-To: line.

At this point you should apologize to Mr. Terrell.


ok, so Mr 'The Complaints-to header isnt a complete waste of time', why are
we consistently inundated with SPAM?

Please explain step by step how we ban the OP from usenet? Please, dont
leave out any of the imaginary details!

Is it something like:

1) Get google to pull his groups account
2) Fall into a parallel dimension where the guy doesnt go and get another
groups account/uses another usenet server/uses one of a multitude of
anonymous usenet proxies/redoubles his efforts to spam us into oblivion?

Tom MacIntyre

Mate, Id be more inclined to listen to someone who HASNT posted 5000 times
to usenet. Sad.

I guess my 26000+ posts must really seem sad... :p


Simon Scott

Michael said:
Sigh. Your arrogance is only exceeded by your blissful ignorance.

2 things:

1) recall you called me a dumbass first...... dumbass
2) Your friend has beaten a hasty retreat, cos he knows Im right

Given the hundreds of spam posts we have received in the last day, why are
you arguing with me? Its obvious google can do nothing about it, even
before you look at the specifics of the technology.


So tell me, oh wise one, how will Google accomplish this task?The old-fashioned way: one at a time.
You do what you can.
The battle against spam cannot be a one-time effort;
expect it to persist.
If you choose to do nothing, expect nothing to change.
Your friend has beaten a hasty retreat, cos he knows Im right

Nope. You're still wrong.
Those who choose to remain ignorant do not interest me.
Arguing with someone who lists the technique himself
then says that the facts don't matter
would just be butting my head against the wall.

Simon Scott

Michael said:
Did you have to take off your shoes to count to two? You really are
a meathead.

Who beat a retreat, and what proof do you have that they retreated?

Gee, there were over 2600 spews dumped on this morning, and not a one came from Google, moron. They were all

OK, once again - GOOGLE IS NOT THE USENET. So what if none came from google?

posted through the same African news server. I see that you are posting
through an Australian news server, which says a whole lot about you and

How so? Being Australian makes me ignorant?
your ignorance. You have a DSL account, and are posting from an IP of:
202-72-168-246 which gives the following information:

Thanks, but Im aware of my own whois info. What did this prove?

The usenet is still routinely spammed. You are still wrong. Google is
powerless to stop it, since GOOGLE IS NOT USENET.

And you call me a meathead? Nice one.

Simon Scott

JeffM said:
The old-fashioned way: one at a time.
You do what you can.
The battle against spam cannot be a one-time effort;
expect it to persist.
If you choose to do nothing, expect nothing to change.

Mate, its been nearly 2 decades now, and the usenet is still being spammed
into oblivion. If you expect that to change, you need help.

Nope. You're still wrong.
Those who choose to remain ignorant do not interest me.

How am I ignorant of the issue? Prove to me that the usenet is not being
spammed, or prove to me that google has the power to stop it? Prove to me
that reporting the OP would have a nontrivial effect of the level of spam?
Arguing with someone who lists the technique himself
then says that the facts don't matter
would just be butting my head against the wall.

Or perhaps youre backpedalling because you realise you're wrong?

Simon Scott

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Nicely sidestepped by the way. Seemed like a desperate act of intimidation,
but it failed hopelessly.

You can read headers and use whois! wow!
You are right. "Google" is a search engine that also owns "Google
Groups" which is a HTML based portal into Usenet where a large part of
all spam is dumped onto Usenet. They bought the old "Deja News" usenet
archive and turned it into "Goggle Groups". Goggle will cancel a
"Goggle Groups" user account for spamming. Try to post through "Google
Groups" without signing up with a valid E-mail address, id10t.

Who said anything about posting on google groups without a valid email?

I like the way you guys keep shifting the goalposts in order to 'win' an
argument which is practically indefensible. Reporting that guy to google
would acheive *nothing*. Sure, his account would be banned sooner or later,
but he would just grab another one, or use a different service. His spam is
already on the usenet, cancelling his account now only prevents future spam
through that single account. Most of us had already downloaded the headers
for his spam, and we cant 'undownload' them. They could cancel his posts,
but none of us look at them anyway, and not all usenet servers would accept
the cancellation.

Like I said, its been nearly 20 years (from memory), and it hasnt gotten any
better over that time. Ive been using usenet since about 1992. Trust me, it
really hasnt improved.
Definitely, and the flies are getting thick as they swarm around the
maggots who are trying to hide the evidence.

heh. I have a 190 IQ dipshit. I also have a BSc in computer science. I full
understand how the usenet works (or doesnt) thanks. Just because Im not
some hopeless redneck with a complete inability to reason, like yourself,
doesnt make me a 'meathead'. What would your qualifications be by the way?
Im just wondering why you feel compelled to comment on something you
obviously have zero idea about.

Come back when you can actual follow basic logic, and you arent busy mashing
faeces into the wall with your fingers.

Simon Scott

Michael said:
Intimidation? Are you really that damn paranoid? It was simply to
show that I knew how to read and interpret a message header.

Im fully aware of usenet headers and the whois database, thanks all the
same. Perhaps I was thrown by its complete irrelevance to the subject at
No, you are the one twisting things. I stated that they had to have
a Google account but you've ignored it several times and repeated your

I dont think youre capable of understanding. I dont *care* that the guy
posted from google. It is completely fucking irrelevant.

lets recap (and I paraphrase):

me: **** off ****
you: report the OP to google
me: what will that achieve?
you: they will close the account, dumb ass.

Again, it doesnt matter if they close the account. It is a case of closing
the barn door after the horse has bolted.

Lets put it another way:

1) google groups accounts are easy to get, in any number
2) pulling a google groups account will result in it quickly being replaced
by another
3) The damage done by spam is limited to the bandwidth and screen realestate
waste by downloading the header (since noone actually clicks on the crap
4) Closing the account doesnt reduce (3), nor does it reduce the amount of
5) Cancelling the spam doesnt reduce (3), as by the time they get around to
it everyone has downloaded the header anyway, and a fair number of usenet
servers dont honour cancellations anyway.

Capiche? You are completely pissing in the wind if you think reporting
anything to google does anything except waste more of your time.

It won't, with your defeatist attitude.

Not defeatist - realistic. Since I actually understand the architecture of
usenet, I know that it is impossible to stamp out, or even measurably
reduce, the amount of spam on usenet.
You still have your troubles with the English language, 190 IQ boy.

Wow, a typo. Good call. How are those straws you are grasping by the way?
BS is the perfect description of you. :) I may live in "Redneck
Country" these days, but I am not a redneck. BTW, in florida the term

My qualifications? Broadcast engineer in radio & television,
engineering in CATV system design, built headends, and I worked at
L3-Com/Microdyne as an engineering tech in RF, Digital, Embedded
controllers, and any other dirty engineering job that came up because I
asked for the hardest jobs.

OK, so you are completely unqualified in anything relevant to the topic at
hand then.

BTW all that your IQ number proves is that you can take tests. I

OK, whatever.

I had my fill of BS of computer engineering types while at Microdyne.

Youd think you mightve picked up some basic networking theory while there.
Tell, me computer know it all: What is the data bandwidth available
on the uplink to the ISS, and how does the data get there? What else is
the equipment used for?

Who cares? Relevance?

Do you ever write in machine language? Not assembler, but true
machine code? I used to for the 6502 and 6510 processors. I wrote a

Heh. As it happens one of my hobbies is 6502 assembler (I like the way you
say 6502 AND 6510, when the 6510 is little more than a 6502 with ports
hardwired into locations $00 and $01, and is simply the minor 6502
derivative used in the commodore 64). Machine code? Sure, if you like,
although why bother when ca65 etc are available? If you like I could
convert the hexidecimal opcodes into binary in my head and enter it in on a
set of switches?

6502 (and 6510! :)), 6800, z80, 68000, 8086...... Which would you like? Im
particular adept at 6510 (!) and the c64. In fact my left arm is resting on
a complete C128 setup on the desk next to me, and the machine Im on (a
linux box) has vice and ca65 installed on it, and one of my servers has
subversion running with my 6502 source.........

And again, how is this relevant to the topic?

disassembler for the DOS on early personal computers to modify the code,
along with a lot of other software. I've been writing code for 23

23 years? oh man, makes my 22 seem paltry (consider than Im 32 years old).
years. Now, I'm a disabled old man who has had to scale back my
activities but I'm not dead yet, so I find things that I can do to stay
busy. I have about 20 computers waiting to see if they are worth
repairing. They will be given to other disabled Veterans if they are.
Its not as much fun as seeing why a $8,000 circuit board won't boot or
program, or hand soldering 288 pin ICs under a stereo microscope, but it
does help keep me active while helping others.

Oh, youre a sad old man with nothing better to do. Why am I bothering to
argue with you? What you lack in 'clue' you make up for in empty days and
infinite time to ramble. You win.

Next time dont call someone a dumbass unless its your own president.

Simon Scott

Michael said:
So what is your answer to spam? Do like the guy in Russia and kill
the spammer?

The answer is to ignore it. If the spammers derived $0 in spam related
income then it wouldnt be worth doing.

Unfortunately people are too dumb.
No, not one "Typo". Your use of the English language throughout the
thread is horrid. You would have never graduated from High School where
I grew up.

I must admit that I dont particular care when Im leaving abusive messages on
usenet. Go figure.

What would qualify anyone about spammers? A head shrinker? Maybe a
bunch of goons to kick the spammer's front door down and smash all of
their computers? If Google gets fed up with all the spam reports they
make it harder to post, or set a limit of posts per IP address, per
day. They won't do anything until it becomes a real thorn in their

A slight understanding that usenet (as well as email) is pretty much
completely unregulated because of its architecture. Again, google is simply
a web based interface to usenet, so google acting on spam means absolutely
I was already installing Novel networks before I went to work at

So why do you find it so hard to comprehend that

1) Google groups is simply a node on the usenet network, not the network
2) There is no way to regulate the usenet from a technical perspective
3) Usenet accounts to use for spam are free, easy to get, and infinite

Microdyne. As a matter of fact, I still have a 100 user Novel license
disk in my files. I worked with older networking that used RS-232. It
was a joke, but it almost worked. I'm glad that i wasn't the one who
set it up. It was a different division of Microdyne that sold
networking hardware and Novel bundles. Yes, I've spent time studying
networking from the Arcnet days, to the current Ethernet layers. I had

Hey, while we're off the topic - back in my DOS days, i picked up some
arcnet cards but didnt have a clue what they were. We were trying to use
them to network some machines for Doom :) Ended up posting on usenet (from
memory) about them and some guy came back and told us they were arcnet
cards and how to set them up. The guy was in fact the engineer who designed
arcnet :)

That was back in the early 90s, when usenet wasnt completely worthless.

Relevance? You want to know about my networking abilities, yet my
having build the one permanent and unique, out of this world network
interface its not relevant?

Im confused. Why then are you arguing with me about usenet architecture?
I have a couple working 128D computers, about a half dozen C-128s and
a pile of 4023 printers and IEEE-488 floppy drives and other parts for
the early PET series. I repaired hundreds of commodore computers them
in the '80s and '90s.

ooooh, IEEE. Nice. I have a couple of SFD1001s here, which are extremely
rare in Australia. One even works. My collection runs to many, many c64s,
1541s, 1571s, c128s, an old PET....etc
Have you replaced the 4416 16K*4 video RAM in a 128 with the 4464
64K*4 RAM? You can either use it to store multiple screens, or access

Not yet, but the 4464s are sitting on the bench. Im deciding whether to
simply replace the chips in my c128s (I have a couple), or whether to
design a piggyback PCB (like the ones made in the late 80s). If I do that,
maybe 4464s arent the best thing to use.

Decisions decisions.

Then again, Risen From Oblivion runs without it.
it as more memory. Also, did you know that the 128D uses a different
Video chip than the 128? I installed a 3.5 inch drive in one of the

Different, as in a different model number? Im sure its still a VIC-II tho.
Or are you talking about the VDC variations? I seem to recall there being 2
different VDCs. Its 7am here, my brain is mush.
128D computers. I was designing a modification to the circuit board to
eliminate the card from the 1581 drive. The disassembler that I wrote
was for the 1581 drive. It not only took the code apart, it wrote the
files to the drive it was running on. There is still dead code in the
1581 ROM from early Commodore disk drives.

Welcome to commodore. Im surprised that there isnt a dead ferret and an
antique chair in there somewhere too.
My days are far from empty. I just can't schedule the times that I'm
available to work because of a lot of medical problems. I am busy at
one project or another all of my waking hours. I never planned to
retire, but I have been forced to slow down by needing a cane and not
being able to stand for very long. It hasn't done anything to my mind,
but I am losing my eyesight. In fact, I am looking into getting a grant
to set up a repair business for electric power chairs and other
electronic aids for the disabled. BTW, I am fixing a damaged one that
was given to me and it will have a wireless networked computer built in
when I'm done.

Dude, it simply looks like we got off on the wrong foot. You sound like a
stand-up guy with extraordinary taste in computers :) Anyone who uses a PET
gets my stamp of approval.

Simon Scott

Michael said:
set of dealer handouts for the C128, the 1571, and the never released
1572 dual, double sided drive.

you have the flyer for the 1572, or a prototype unit? :)

The prize in my Commodore Computer collection is several working SX64
computers, with all the cables and accessories. I used a SX 64 with an
external modulator for a TV color bar, gray scale, and cross hatch

Oh yeh, I have 2 SX-64s here. My dad has 3.

Great little machines, I prefer the c128 though.
The VDC only addresses 64 K of RAM, so its the logical choice. BTW,
the VCC and GND pins are soldered to heavy traces so the easy way to get
them out is heat the pin from both sides, the bottom side with a vacuum
desoldering iron. i think i converted about a dozen. The C128D came
from the factory with the 4464 chips.

If I make a piggyback PCB I dont need to unsolder the 4164s, and the VDC is
socketted from memory :)

I might make a small run of PCBs made professionally and send the surplus to
Ray Carlsen for his distribution. Again, so many projects, and time is
short these days with work and family.

Did you ever use the original version of Disk Doctor for the
Commodore computers? It is a neat little sector editor that can be used
to do all kinds of things to Commodore floppies. It was released for
the 1541 and older drives, then abandoned. I used it to modify a second
copy of Disk Doctor to work with the 1571 and 1581 drives.

Havent seen it.