Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Concensus required on foamy bits or lack thereoff, Vote Here!!!!!


Spehro Pefhany

You need freezable mugs! Basically a mug with a liner inside, with the space
in-between filled with water that gets frozen when you put it in the
freezer. Lasts much longer then a chilled glass.

I picked up a couple of pewter mugs like that last time I was in
Malaysia (that's where Royal Selangor comes from). They are very nice
when frozen, then filled with ice-cold beer. You can probably get them
at malls and such like too. Whatever is between the walls sloshes when
they are at room temperature.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

John Woodgate

(in <sCQrb.484$W%[email protected]>) about 'Concensus
required on foamy bits or lack thereoff, Vote Here!!!!!', on Mon, 10 Nov
You might have meant homeotrophic?

Obviously, although you 'think' it's OK, you don't have to wash it up
again after you have washed it up.

I think you are washed up. I can't extract any meaning from that
Surprisingly you can achieve the required dilution factor 'in the sink'.

Ah, but so you could with Fairy Liquid. Their sales volume depends on
you putting about 100 times more into the sink than you actually need.
You can't squirt just 0.1 mL from the bottle.

The Real Andy

John Woodgate said:
(in <sCQrb.484$W%[email protected]>) about 'Concensus
required on foamy bits or lack thereoff, Vote Here!!!!!', on Mon, 10 Nov

I think you are washed up. I can't extract any meaning from that

Ah, but so you could with Fairy Liquid. Their sales volume depends on
you putting about 100 times more into the sink than you actually need.
You can't squirt just 0.1 mL from the bottle.

I hate it when my wife washes my beer glasses in dishwashig liquid. Hot
water only. I also hate it when I get those really foamy home-brews. A dash
of vodka solves that.


John Woodgate said:
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.

I'll pass on the homeowhatyamacallit. Unless you want to explain further
I think you are washed up. I can't extract any meaning from that

It's a perfectly mother beautiful sentence.
