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Voltage of Taser Guns?



Anyone have any idea of the voltage that is put out by these Taser
guns? I am trying to compare them to the electronic cattle zappers
for which I am familiar, being a farmer myself. I am just curious
more than anything else, because I keep seeing on the news about
people having heart attacks from the tasers. I have gotten knocked on
my butt many times from my electric fences and never had ill effects
(other than pissing me off when it happens).

Does anyone know anything about these Tasers. The other thing I cant
figure out is it appears they can shoot a spark about 6 feet or
something like that. How in the heck does that occur?

Thanks all


Kevin R

50,000volts and they cannot shoot sparks 6 feet but they do fire probes that
pierce the skin and are attached to the gun by fine wires then it applies
the voltage down the wires


Mike said:
Anyone have any idea of the voltage that is put out by these Taser
guns? I am trying to compare them to the electronic cattle zappers
for which I am familiar, being a farmer myself. I am just curious
more than anything else, because I keep seeing on the news about
people having heart attacks from the tasers. I have gotten knocked on
my butt many times from my electric fences and never had ill effects
(other than pissing me off when it happens).

30,000 and up - supposedly.
Does anyone know anything about these Tasers. The other thing I cant
figure out is it appears they can shoot a spark about 6 feet or
something like that. How in the heck does that occur?

They can't. They shoot metal darts with fine wires attached.
50,000volts and they cannot shoot sparks 6 feet but they do fire probes that
pierce the skin and are attached to the gun by fine wires then it applies
the voltage down the wires

Thanks for the info. That's much higher than an electric cattle
fence. They range from 3500 to 8000 volts. I have a device to
measure my fences and locate problems in them. The fence voltages
vary from weather conditions (grounding), weeds that touch them, and
voltages drop in very cold weather.

I am still trying to find the voltage for the cattle probes. I dont
use them myself, but I know they produce a nasty jolt.

So they shoot probes. That I didn't know. OUCH - Don't sound like
any fun !!



Thanks for the info. That's much higher than an electric cattle
fence. They range from 3500 to 8000 volts.

Usually you don't want to drop th cows on the ground convulsing and

Kevin R

Thanks for the info. That's much higher than an electric cattle
fence. They range from 3500 to 8000 volts. I have a device to
measure my fences and locate problems in them. The fence voltages
vary from weather conditions (grounding), weeds that touch them, and
voltages drop in very cold weather.

I am still trying to find the voltage for the cattle probes. I dont
use them myself, but I know they produce a nasty jolt.

So they shoot probes. That I didn't know. OUCH - Don't sound like
any fun !!

I did see them test one on Jackass and he had to pull the probes out with
pliers as they have barbs like a fish hook it was so funny to watch but I
would not like to be on the receiving end


Kevin R said:
I did see them test one on Jackass and he had to pull the probes out with
pliers as they have barbs like a fish hook it was so funny to watch but I
would not like to be on the receiving end
Get pulled over in the State of Florida for anything, especially if you are
black, you'll probably be tazed before they ask you for "license,
registration, and proof of insurance please." Just a precausionary measure
of course.


Here's a story on a recent Taser death in Chicago, not an isolated
incident. Other recent examples around the country of questionable use
of the units have included children younger than 10 & 70 year olds:

The Taser company itself is also being investigated by the Securities
and Exchange Commission for some shady stock dealings:

I saw an episode of "Cops" one time where a couple fairly small cops
were confronted by a very large, muscular and beligerant drunk driving
suspect. They had a German Shepard, which they threatened to loose on
the guy if he didn't settle down. He responded to the effect "go ahead,
I'll knock him out cold" which from the man's size seemed likely. They
tazed him once, after which he was as docile as a baby. Aside from the
risk of fatal heart attacks, I'd personally probably rather be zapped
than have my skull fractured & suffer a concussion from a night stick,
or worse yet shot. On the other hand, it's not hard to point to
obviously questionable uses of force at the hands of authorities, like
the kid who was just shot to death in LA. No question, some communities
do seem to suffer these events more than others. No easy answers on
this one.


Jim Yanik

Get pulled over in the State of Florida for anything, especially if
you are black, you'll probably be tazed before they ask you for
"license, registration, and proof of insurance please." Just a
precausionary measure of course.

Depends on how you act,regardless of race.

Do you even LIVE in Florida? I do.
Get pulled over in the State of Florida for anything, especially if you are
black, you'll probably be tazed before they ask you for "license,

They got Jeb Bush so I dont doubt this at all !!!
registration, and proof of insurance please." Just a precausionary measure
of course.

Yeah, right, precautionary !!!!

Luca T.

Hash: SHA1

Mike wrote:
| Anyone have any idea of the voltage that is put out by these Taser
| guns? I am trying to compare them to the electronic cattle zappers
| for which I am familiar, being a farmer myself. I am just curious
| more than anything else, because I keep seeing on the news about
| people having heart attacks from the tasers. I have gotten knocked on
| my butt many times from my electric fences and never had ill effects
| (other than pissing me off when it happens).

The voltage of Tasers is higher since their goal is not to "scare an
animal" but to temporary block the muscles of an adult person.
Tasers should NOT be used on kids, unfortunately american police is
using them in a very irresponsible (and stupid) way shooting at kids too
(and really risking to kill them). A weapon like a Taser should ONLY be
given to ppl with enough brain and proper istructions to use them,
unfortunately in some countries they are not even considered a real
weapon so the police (and not only) are using them as if they were toys.

~ Luca

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Jim Yanik

Hash: SHA1

Mike wrote:
| Anyone have any idea of the voltage that is put out by these Taser
| guns? I am trying to compare them to the electronic cattle zappers
| for which I am familiar, being a farmer myself. I am just curious
| more than anything else, because I keep seeing on the news about
| people having heart attacks from the tasers. I have gotten knocked on
| my butt many times from my electric fences and never had ill effects
| (other than pissing me off when it happens).

The voltage of Tasers is higher since their goal is not to "scare an
animal" but to temporary block the muscles of an adult person.
Tasers should NOT be used on kids, unfortunately american police is
using them in a very irresponsible (and stupid) way shooting at kids

I believe one of those "kids" tasered was over 6 ft and 220 lbs.

The term "kid" or "child" is too often incorrectly used.
IMO,it's used more to evoke an emotional response than to accurately
describe.(for an informed opinion)

(and really risking to kill them). A weapon like a Taser should ONLY be
given to ppl with enough brain and proper istructions to use them,
unfortunately in some countries they are not even considered a real
weapon so the police (and not only) are using them as if they were toys.

Incorrect;they use them as non-lethal alternatives to shooting the suspect.
Even pepper spray is capable of killing some people.
~ Luca

Tell me,if a "kid" (meaning young adult,15 and up) had a handgun and
threatened to use it,would using a TASER be allowable or better than
shooting and perhaps killing the "kid"?

Ken Weitzel

Jim said:
I believe one of those "kids" tasered was over 6 ft and 220 lbs.

The term "kid" or "child" is too often incorrectly used.
IMO,it's used more to evoke an emotional response than to accurately
describe.(for an informed opinion)


Hey, a child is a child is a child. A legal definition in
each and every state/province/whatever. And I'm willing
to bet that every statute refers only to chronological age.
Period. A child the size of a small elephant would still be
a child. A child with the brain of an Einstein or one
severely handicapped is - a child.

The mind of a child, the behaviour of a child. And deserve,
by any even close to rational adult to be treated as a child.



I agree, as with drinking/voting age, the term "child" under the law
relates to intellectual/emotional maturity, not physical size. The
poling place does not have a sign reading "You must be this tall to get
on this ride".

RE: taser deaths in general, here's an interesting graphic from the
Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper Apparently
78 people have been killed by the units since 2000 in the US & Canada,
with half of those deaths occuring in 2004, no doubt as a result of
their increasing prevalance. Obviously, the term "non-lethal" needs to
be re-evaluated when it comes to the taser.


Kevin R

the trouble in living in a country that has a gun culture is the amount of
nutters with guns and I don't blame the police using them as I would use one
if it was the choice of this or getting ,hand guns should never have been
allowed to be carried by the general public and its to late now to ban them
as there must be millions in circulation in the US I am just glad we don't
allow guns over in the UK

Jim Yanik


Hey, a child is a child is a child. A legal definition in
each and every state/province/whatever. And I'm willing
to bet that every statute refers only to chronological age.
Period. A child the size of a small elephant would still be
a child. A child with the brain of an Einstein or one
severely handicapped is - a child.

A "child" the size of a grown man is every bit of a threat as a grown
man,and can do as much damage as a grown man.

Some "children" are already vicious criminals,some already have
intentionally killed people.
The mind of a child, the behaviour of a child. And deserve,
by any even close to rational adult to be treated as a child.


Even a "child" can cause great harm to others.
Especially a 6ft,220 lb "child".