Phil Hobbs
Phil Hobbs ha escrito:
I was thinking of maybe using CD4555 Binary to 1 of 4 Decoder instead
of simple gates (which might mean more ICs unless I complicate the
design for this one-off). I need to connect 3 outputs only, plus the
inputs from the PIC. The CD 4002 are actually Dual 4-Input NORs.
I could drive the Gate directly from the 4555's output at 5V, it says
it can drive or sink up to 6.8mA, more than enough I guess, but I do
not know why you say that's not advisable. If not I would use a PNP
transistor to drive the Gate with higher voltage, but I will need to
invert the logic from the 4555, or use 4556 Low on select.
I'm interested in knowing what kind RC lowpass filter I will need, I do
not have any experience with this kind of coupling, I just assume they
are rather isolated parts of the circuit.
MOSFETs don't draw any dc gate current, and you aren't trying to get
them to switch fast. A 100k resistor and 100 nF capacitor make a time
constant of 10 ms, corresponding to a 3 dB corner frequency of 16 Hz.
If you put a 100k resistor from the logic gate's output to the MOSFET
gate, with a 100 nF capacitor from the gate to ground, that 16-Hz rollof
will get rid of most of the noise that otherwise might couple from the
logic output to your analogue path.
100k | |
Logic 0----RRRRRRRR---x------| | <--t
| | | |
C |----*
C |
100 nF C |
C |
C |
| |
It isn't a complete solution because it only rolls off like 1/frequency
(20 dB per decade). That means just what it sounds like: when they get
to the MOSFET gate, signals at 160 Hz will be down by 10x in voltage,
signals at 1.6 kHz will be down by 100x, etc. Big signals will still
get through, so really, really, don't run that bit of the logic from the
'digital' +5V.
Phil Hobbs