Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Voltage drop across a 1626 tube as a rectifier??

What is +VBB ?
What is Vg?
What is Rp?
Draw a work line and find Vp(like shown on the pic)
Here is the RCA 1626 TUBE PLATE I-V curve .
Filament voltage of 1626 is 12.6V

Plate IV 1626.jpg



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Dork I'm assuming you scanned them from an organic RCA tube manual. I'm sure glad you did because I really didn't want to dig mine out (bought it new in the 60's) and blow off all that dust! :)

A musing: Perhaps if the 6CW4 had been marketed in the 40's it may have taken another decade for the Transistor to have taken root.
