Maker Pro
Maker Pro

vibration motor

Anyone know how to get a 7-segment display to work with a vibration motor.

So say the 7-segment display says '3'

how do i get the vibration motor to vibrate the number of times displayed on the 7-segment display?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You're not going to get a simple answer.

Perhaps the easiest way is to use a microcontroller, but the problem then becomes -- how does it know that the number 3 is on the display?

Can the circuit be changed so that the display driver is replaced by something a little more clever? How well do you know how the original works?
how does it know that the number 3 is on the display?

the easiest way is to have the seven segment display be populated by the micro-controller. You must have something that can relate the two circuits.
You have to build a circuit that can convert the binary code input of 7 segment display controller. Then this circuit will also give signal pulse output to the control motor.
Is there a way of using frequencies to make a vibration motor, give signals like mos code?

Maybe converting the 7 segment display, into vibrations. so Display: 3 = 3 small vibrations.


Is there a way of using frequencies to make a vibration motor, give signals like mos code?

Maybe converting the 7 segment display, into vibrations. so Display: 3 = 3 small vibrations.

As Steve said its going to take some microprocessor control.

So as the processor is sending the "signals" to the 7 seg display out of one set of ports
it will also be sending a signal out of another port to the vibrating motor

no doubt about it, I'll most likely use a C programme to perform tasks according to the 7-segment display.