Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Very hot hot zenerdiode in NAD T762


Arfa Daily

Jamie said:
Oh, should I direct you to post after post of Graham bashing the US?
and everything it stands for?

Until you know who and what Graham is, I'd suggest you sit back and
monitor a bit.
That comment was directed to him not the British as a whole. I feel
sorry for the british that they have people like him they must deal with.
And I feel sorry for you, because he just sucked you into it..
I'm sure he's sitting back now and enjoying this while he's sucking
on his crumpets and tea.

If you don't want to heed my warnings about him so be it, Every one
has a right to make there own choices. To bad Graham doesn't know what
i'm talking about.

I know exactly who Graham is - I have been posting on here for a very long
time, so I don't need you to tell me how to sit back and monitor on this
group. He has not sucked me into anything, and I am not defending him, but
in the past, many people have been drawn into endless pissing contests which
he may or may not have started, but has certainly helped to perpetuate, with
ever-more offensive and sometimes silly retorts. I just didn't want this
particular thread, which up until then had been an interesting one, to
dissolve into yet another such contest, which is why I suggested that you
should *both* STF up, before all of 'the usual suspects' joined in.

Whilst he might have done his fair share of 'America bashing' both on this
group and others, up until this point, he, or no one else had actually done
any in this particular thread. As far as I am concerned, we are all just
service engineers, and except to point out from time to time that the UK and
the US are two countries separated by a common language, which sometimes
gives rise to misunderstandings, I really don't care what nationality you,
or anyone else that talks on here, are. Which is why I object when people
start dragging nationality into it, in an offensive way.

Reading again, I can see that you might have been referring to Graham as a
single example of what you consider to be "trash", but it just as easily
reads that he is a single example of a collective British trash. Anyway, if
you intended it as just him, then I apologise, but you need to watch how you
put things, and remember how easily people from different cultures can read
things not in the way that you intended.

And that's all that I am going to say. If you two want to keep having a pop
at each other, do it by direct e-mail, and let's just keep it friendly on
here, with disagreements being 'robust' rather than spiralling down into
endless tirades of offensive crap. OK with that ?


Tim Schwartz

Arfa said:
So how much current do you reckon is being drawn off that rail Tim ? If all
the logic and opamps and whatever are being fed from it, you'd have to
reckon on at least the 330mA that would take the dissipation in that zener
up to 1.6 watts or so. 400mA and we're at its limit. Obviously, you see a
lot of these. Is it common for that zener to fail ? I don't remember ever
having had one, but then if they fail short, I've maybe never had cause to
go looking ?? Seems like a piece of design work of marginal validity to me.
Does it reduce the temperature of the regulator by much ? Is it worth it for
the dissipation created in the zener, and the apparent reliability issues
which ensue ? As one service engineer to another, I would be interested in
your opinions.


I've never measured the current on the rail, and while I've
touched up soldering on the zeners, I've never replaced one. On the
other hand, I've never checked them either, so while I may have let a
shorted one get by, I've certainly not seen an open one. I haven't
worked on that many of these, maybe a dozen or so. But, I've certainly
seen small regulated supplies run what I would call way to hot on any
brand of surround receiver that I've seen.

I can't speak for the design, as I've not analyzed it, though I don't
like any products where the regulators run hot and bake the boards. As
for the bridge diodes failing, it happens most commonly when the factory
manages to spill some of the light brown glue on them, effectively
insulating them. The glue often darkens and becomes brittle. The
solder joints get baked. I've also seen this glue be corrosive and
conductive when it gets baked enough.

Tim Schwartz
Bristol Electronics

Meat Plow

Graham, You better go back to the shitter and wipe your ass. Something
smells and I know it isn't me.

If only you had a clue, oh wet, you stopped at the birth of
cat whisker diodes and germanium transistors. I understand, to
complicated. Stay with your valves, they suit you fine.

I must say, your so far out of league you make me laugh. That is
the only reason I respond.

Btw, A couple of my engineer friends monitor this area, they think
you're a real peach.

I've got to say that this reply or yours is one of the most idiotic things
I've ever read in SER. Those like you who have to brag and blow about
what they know usually don't know shit. If you are as smart as you say you
are then at least act like it.


Arfa said:
I know exactly who Graham is - I have been posting on here for a very long
time, so I don't need you to tell me how to sit back and monitor on this
group. He has not sucked me into anything, and I am not defending him, but
in the past, many people have been drawn into endless pissing contests which
he may or may not have started, but has certainly helped to perpetuate, with
ever-more offensive and sometimes silly retorts. I just didn't want this
particular thread, which up until then had been an interesting one, to
dissolve into yet another such contest, which is why I suggested that you
should *both* STF up, before all of 'the usual suspects' joined in.

Whilst he might have done his fair share of 'America bashing' both on this
group and others, up until this point, he, or no one else had actually done
any in this particular thread. As far as I am concerned, we are all just
service engineers, and except to point out from time to time that the UK and
the US are two countries separated by a common language, which sometimes
gives rise to misunderstandings, I really don't care what nationality you,
or anyone else that talks on here, are. Which is why I object when people
start dragging nationality into it, in an offensive way.

Reading again, I can see that you might have been referring to Graham as a
single example of what you consider to be "trash", but it just as easily
reads that he is a single example of a collective British trash. Anyway, if
you intended it as just him, then I apologise, but you need to watch how you
put things, and remember how easily people from different cultures can read
things not in the way that you intended.

And that's all that I am going to say. If you two want to keep having a pop
at each other, do it by direct e-mail, and let's just keep it friendly on
here, with disagreements being 'robust' rather than spiralling down into
endless tirades of offensive crap. OK with that ?

Well that's fine. You said your peace.

One day, You may find your self suffering from
dashavou. Hope you remember this.

Bye for now.


I've got to say that this reply or yours is one of the most idiotic things
I've ever read in SER. Those like you who have to brag and blow about
what they know usually don't know shit. If you are as smart as you say you
are then at least act like it.
Acting? I really wonder who is?

Think about that.

Arfa Daily

Jamie said:
Well that's fine. You said your peace.

One day, You may find your self suffering from
dashavou. Hope you remember this.

Bye for now.

That would be "piece" then ... And dashvou. WTF is that ??? Are you
struggling for the spelling of deja vue ?
(should have accents over the 'e' and 'a')

If you don't know the French, and exactly what it means, don't try to use
it. And if you do understand what it means, with exactly what relevance are
you applying it here ?
