Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Vertical ic getting Dameg every time i palce a new one

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Startup problems - nothing happens, click, or tick-tick-tick sound
TVs and monitors usually incorporate some kind of startup circuit to provide drive to the horizontal output transistor (HOT) until the flyback power supply is running. Yes, TVs and monitors boot just like computers.
There are two typical kinds of symptoms: power on click but nothing else happens or a tick-tick-tick sound indicating cycling of the low voltage (line regulator) but lack of startup horizontal drive.

Check the voltage on the horizontal output transistor (HOT). If no voltage is present, there may be a blown fuse or open fusable resistor - and probably a shorted HOT.

However, if the voltage is normal (or high) - usually 100-150 V, then there is likely a problem with the startup circuit not providing initial base drive to the HOT.

The startup circuits may take several forms:

  1. Discrete multivibrator or other simple transistor circuit to provide base drive to the HOT.

  2. IC which is part of deflection chain powered off of a voltage divider or transformer.

  3. Other type of circuit which operates off of the line which provides some kind of drive to the HOT.
Just quit while you're ahead. You aren't making an effort to communicate well and this just won't work. I would have locked this topic up the moment you started it with only 4 words.

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