Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Verifiable Science



US patent #7531930 issued May 12, 2009 is a process of using Magnets for producing clean energy! NO ONE would put their name on a patent that claims in the first sentence; "Outputs both mechanical and electrical energy" (that is at the same time), without KNOWING of physical PROOF! But this is notabout ME OR YOU! This is about what we are leaving for OUR children. Wardforce is part of a Magnet or Magnetic Field, that is not a Pole at all. Why should you show this PHYSICAL PROOF that can be found on YouTube videos FREE or buy a documentary video? They may discover something much greater than I can. If you can not see on the first two videos that the "Lenz Law", a "Law of Physics", is questionable, then try to get the documentation he gave in 1834. If you can find it, you cannot read it! BUT DON"T SHOW THIS ABOUT WARDFORCE TO YOUR CHILDREN! My children know about it.

harry k

On 1/20/2013 11:14 AM, Energy-Ingenuity wrote:> "Verifiable Science?

No.   We've been over this same ground over and over.  Actually this
crap is neither "verifiable" nor "science".

It isn't even good crap.

But then it has been a long dry spell since the magnet monkey showed

Harry K


It isn't even good crap.

But then it has been a long dry spell since the magnet monkey showed



I did not know that people were on this group that was this stuppid. If you read the US patent, in the first sentance, "outputs both mechanical and electriacal energy", what do you think the in put is? Don't insult me anymore!


I did not know that people were on this group that was this stuppid.
If you read the US patent, in the first sentance, "outputs both mechanical and electriacal energy",
what do you think the in put is? Don't insult me anymore!

I don't need to insult you, you insult yourself more than enough with
your own writings. Just look above!

To answer your question though: I think your "Input" is smoke, mirrors,
and obfuscation. Your intended "Output" is apparently money.

harry k

I did not know that people were on this group that was this stuppid.  If you read
the US patent, in the first sentance, "outputs both mechanical and
energy", what do you think the in put is?  Don't insult me anymore!

You are too stupid to even know when you are being insulted. Your
input is "energy" no matter how you try to hide it.

Harry K