Does the orientation of flux affect the saturation?
Please see attached picture at ABSE.
Subject: Variable Inductor Help
My thought is to build a variable inductor by installing a toroid in the gap
of a potcore. The potcore would then have near normal ungapped inductance.
However when the toroid is saturated (by turns installed on the toroid) it
would be invisible and act like a gap. Hopefully this effect could be
modulated by the amount of current through the turns on the toroid.The
problem I have is the orientation of the flux, the potcore center flux is
vertical and the toroid is horizontal. Any thoughts?
Does the orientation of flux affect the saturation?
Please see attached picture at ABSE.
Subject: Variable Inductor Help
My thought is to build a variable inductor by installing a toroid in the gap
of a potcore. The potcore would then have near normal ungapped inductance.
However when the toroid is saturated (by turns installed on the toroid) it
would be invisible and act like a gap. Hopefully this effect could be
modulated by the amount of current through the turns on the toroid.The
problem I have is the orientation of the flux, the potcore center flux is
vertical and the toroid is horizontal. Any thoughts?