Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Valve instability - but not as we know it.


Tauno Voipio

ECC88 is/was the consumer, TV frontend thing.

E88CC is/was a special quality industrial variant, which probably cost
twice as much.

That's right. It was marketed as 'the golden grid tube'.

Anyway, it was intended for VHF use. The dual triode for
audio preamplifiers was 12AX7 / ECC83.

Fred Abse

That's right. It was marketed as 'the golden grid tube'.

Anyway, it was intended for VHF use. The dual triode for audio
preamplifiers was 12AX7 / ECC83.

ISTR reading an article about substituting "modern" frame-grid tubes in
the frontend of the AR88. Never tried it, but I always had a soft
spot (not a hernia, before you suggest it :)) for the AR88.

Adrian Tuddenham

whit3rd said:
Yep, most tubes are at least slightly microphonic; the small
ceramic/metal (Nuvistor) types were best in this respect, I'm told.
My old Cary electrometer had a preamp section in an
eight-pound cast iron case, to keep 440 Hz out of the
chopper amp tubes.

Nuvistors had very low overall noise. For many years they gave a better
L.F. noise performance than even the best F.E.T.s.