Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Using mobile phone as an internet radio


jim stone

Not being able to find a small internet radio to buy we liked, we got mobile
phone with which we link with wi-fi to a modem router, and use it as an
internet radio.

Keeping the phoned plugged into its charger all the time, we are using it to
play *all-day* background classical music through an amplifier and speakers.

Since the phone has no 'moving parts' unlike a computer, we are wondering if
this continuous playing all day of the phone is going to shorten its working
life ?

Tom Biasi

Not being able to find a small internet radio to buy we liked, we got mobile
phone with which we link with wi-fi to a modem router, and use it as an
internet radio.

Keeping the phoned plugged into its charger all the time, we are using it to
play *all-day* background classical music through an amplifier and speakers.

Since the phone has no 'moving parts' unlike a computer, we are wondering if
this continuous playing all day of the phone is going to shorten its working
life ?

Using anything shortens it's working life.

William Sommerwerck

Tom Biasi said:
On 10/2/2012 5:21 PM, jim stone wrote:
Using anything shortens its working life.

Not so. There aren't any obvious failure mechanisms in solid-state devices
(other than dopant migration in high-power output transistors).

It's also true that most mechanical devices "like" moderate use. Letting
anything mechanical "sit" most of the time will probably cause it fail
sooner than if receives regular use.

It's now possible to build computers without moving parts (other than the
optical drives). My new computer has a solid-state "hard disk", and you
wouldn't believe how fast it boots up, or how fast programs start to run.

Tom Biasi

Not so. There aren't any obvious failure mechanisms in solid-state devices
(other than dopant migration in high-power output transistors).

It's also true that most mechanical devices "like" moderate use. Letting
anything mechanical "sit" most of the time will probably cause it fail
sooner than if receives regular use.

It's now possible to build computers without moving parts (other than the
optical drives). My new computer has a solid-state "hard disk", and you
wouldn't believe how fast it boots up, or how fast programs start to run.
There are many factors that cause something to fail. I you don't use it,
it has no working life. I don't wish to play semantics but if you use it
you are using up it's working life.

William Sommerwerck

There are many factors that cause something to fail. I you
don't use it, it has no working life. I don't wish to play
semantics but if you use it you are using up its working life.

Not so. With mechanical devices, regular moderate use provides a longer
useful lifetime than using the device only rarely.

David Woolley

William said:
optical drives). My new computer has a solid-state "hard disk", and you
wouldn't believe how fast it boots up, or how fast programs start to run.

These, if flash memory, do have a definite wear out mechanism, although
they do try to avoid writing to the same spot, even if the software
does, to mitigate this.

Tom Biasi

Not so. With mechanical devices, regular moderate use provides a longer
useful lifetime than using the device only rarely.
I don't agree but will say no more.
Not being able to find a small internet radio to buy we liked, we got mobile

phone with which we link with wi-fi to a modem router, and use it as an

internet radio.

Keeping the phoned plugged into its charger all the time, we are using it to

play *all-day* background classical music through an amplifier and speakers.

Since the phone has no 'moving parts' unlike a computer, we are wondering if

this continuous playing all day of the phone is going to shorten its working

life ?

The battery may not like being plugged in forever.
Not being able to find a small internet radio to buy we liked, we got mobile

phone with which we link with wi-fi to a modem router, and use it as an

internet radio.

Keeping the phoned plugged into its charger all the time, we are using itto

play *all-day* background classical music through an amplifier and speakers.

Since the phone has no 'moving parts' unlike a computer, we are wonderingif

this continuous playing all day of the phone is going to shorten its working

life ?

How much did you pay for the phone? Would it bother you greatly if it is stolen or if the battery fails to hold a charge, did you get it fairly cheap, did you buy a new mobile phone for regular use and this is an old phone from a previous cellular plan, etc.?

I used to use an old cell phone (well, it was "old" in the sense that I changed cell phone carriers) to play music from the internal microSD card for my plants in my office (a Mythbusters episode showed that plants like music), until the repetition of the songs drove *me* crazy. =)


I don't agree but will say no more.

Not sure if my News server supports x-posts to the entire Usenet, but
I digress.

An incandescent light bulb is a good example, If it lasts 1000 hours
when run continuously, its life will be considerably shorter if run
(say) 4 hours a day and the time it is on added up.
Equipment with lots of thermionic devices like very early computers
were, as far as practical, never switched off because of the
likelihood of failure.

Phil Allison

An incandescent light bulb is a good example, If it lasts 1000 hours
when run continuously, its life will be considerably shorter if run
(say) 4 hours a day and the time it is on added up.

** Where ever did you get that nonsense from ??

Some web forum ?


Phil Allison said:

** Where ever did you get that nonsense from ??

Some web forum ?

I believe turning the bulbs on and off can induce thermal shock which causes
premature failure.

See also:

"The common wisdom was that valves—which, like light bulbs, contained a hot
glowing filament—could never be used satisfactorily in large numbers, for
they were unreliable, and in a large installation too many would fail in too
short a time".[13] Tommy Flowers, who later designed Colossus, "discovered
that, so long as valves were switched on and left on, they could operate
reliably for very long periods, especially if their 'heaters' were run on a
reduced current".

William Sommerwerck

David Woolley said:
William Sommerwerck wrote:
These, if flash memory, do have a definite wear out mechanism,
although they do try to avoid writing to the same spot, even if the
software does, to mitigate this.

Correct. SSDs are an exception. They contain "leveling" software that makes
sure the disk is written to evenly. The Crucial disk I use is spec'd at
about 40TB of total writes.

Phil Allison

"Phil Allison"

I believe turning the bulbs on and off can induce thermal shock which
causes premature failure.

** Bollocks it does.

There are many applications where incandescent lamps are turned on and off
constantly and their life span is the same.

The OP's hypothetical example ( don't ya just LOVE them) is typical of
domestic lamp use.


..... Phil


Phil said:

** Bollocks it does.

There are many applications where incandescent lamps are turned on
and off constantly and their life span is the same.

The OP's hypothetical example ( don't ya just LOVE them) is typical of
domestic lamp use.


.... Phil

No Phil, that is not correct. If he only listens to Rap , its lifespan will
be shortend greatly.

** Where ever did you get that nonsense from ??

     Some web forum ?

He is right, the stresses involved in the turn-on of the bulb each
time is equal to several hours of continuous running. If you cycle a
bulb on and off every few seconds, the total on time before the bulb
fails will be only a few hundered hours for a 1000 hour rated bulb,


Tom Biasi said:
Using anything shortens it's working life.

Seems to go against the whole ethos of exercising. Never get out of bed and
live forever ...

Paul D Smith

jim stone said:
Not being able to find a small internet radio to buy we liked, we got
mobile phone with which we link with wi-fi to a modem router, and use it
as an internet radio.

Keeping the phoned plugged into its charger all the time, we are using it
to play *all-day* background classical music through an amplifier and

Since the phone has no 'moving parts' unlike a computer, we are wondering
if this continuous playing all day of the phone is going to shorten its
working life ?

You'll have dropped it well before it wears out :). BTW, a cheap PC
speaker set might be handy if you want a little more volume. And you can
probably find a decent streaming client if you have your music sitting on a
PC somewhere.

Paul DS.

Dave Plowman (News)

hr(bob) [email protected] said:
He is right, the stresses involved in the turn-on of the bulb each
time is equal to several hours of continuous running. If you cycle a
bulb on and off every few seconds, the total on time before the bulb
fails will be only a few hundered hours for a 1000 hour rated bulb,

It would be a strange way to rate the life of a lamp - on constantly,
since this pretty well never happens.

Do you find the 'flasher' lamps on your car failing more quickly than
similar lamps which don't flash?