Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Using Interrupt driven serial Port on 8051



Hello all,

I have a very typical problem with a twist. Here goes:

I have a main loop running a piece of code. However, upon receiving
character '0' from serial port (or any 8bit code for that matter), I
want to read 8 or 16 or lets say n number of bytes from serial port.

So here is what I did, I created an updateFlag bit which gets set
whenver the true code is reached and the ISR quits. Whenever in the
main loop I reach the place for checking updateFlag, I deactivate the
ISR for Serial Port and assuming that now the serial port will act
just as normal, I run a debug code of reading a byte and outing it.
Only the serial port interrupt flag remains inactive while I am in
that function.

So the ISR goes like:

JBC TI, QUITY ; if TI caused it, just quit
MOV A, SBUF ; if '0' = 30 then update the IDATA
ADD A, #-30H ; else skip the update
SETB UpdateFlag
RETI ; if TX irq just returns

and the main loop:

while (1)
if (UpdateFlag == 1)
/*---------------------------- Debug ------------------------*/
EA = 0;
choice = GetByte();



UpdateFlag = 0;

EA = 1;

// Some functions here

My problem is this that the ISR works fine if I dont involve serial
port reading writing, that ISR would turn on or off any port correctly
upon receiving character '0'.

Similarly the GetByte and OutByte routines work fine as well when
Serial port is not on interrupt.

Its only after combining both I end up in problems, can anyone see any
potential problem in the approach?

Thanks in advance


Ryan Wheeler

Makhan said:
Hello all,

I have a very typical problem with a twist. Here goes:

I have a main loop running a piece of code. However, upon receiving
character '0' from serial port (or any 8bit code for that matter), I
want to read 8 or 16 or lets say n number of bytes from serial port.

So here is what I did, I created an updateFlag bit which gets set
whenver the true code is reached and the ISR quits. Whenever in the
main loop I reach the place for checking updateFlag, I deactivate the
ISR for Serial Port and assuming that now the serial port will act
just as normal, I run a debug code of reading a byte and outing it.
Only the serial port interrupt flag remains inactive while I am in
that function.

So the ISR goes like:

JBC TI, QUITY ; if TI caused it, just quit
MOV A, SBUF ; if '0' = 30 then update the IDATA
ADD A, #-30H ; else skip the update
SETB UpdateFlag
RETI ; if TX irq just returns

and the main loop:

while (1)
if (UpdateFlag == 1)
/*---------------------------- Debug ------------------------*/
EA = 0;
choice = GetByte();



UpdateFlag = 0;

EA = 1;

// Some functions here

My problem is this that the ISR works fine if I dont involve serial
port reading writing, that ISR would turn on or off any port correctly
upon receiving character '0'.

Similarly the GetByte and OutByte routines work fine as well when
Serial port is not on interrupt.

Its only after combining both I end up in problems, can anyone see any
potential problem in the approach?

Thanks in advance


thou shallt never disable the interrupt on a recv serial port.

Frank Bemelman

Makhan said:
Hello all,

I have a very typical problem with a twist. Here goes:

I have a main loop running a piece of code. However, upon receiving
character '0' from serial port (or any 8bit code for that matter), I
want to read 8 or 16 or lets say n number of bytes from serial port.

So here is what I did, I created an updateFlag bit which gets set
whenver the true code is reached and the ISR quits. Whenever in the
main loop I reach the place for checking updateFlag, I deactivate the
ISR for Serial Port and assuming that now the serial port will act
just as normal, I run a debug code of reading a byte and outing it.
Only the serial port interrupt flag remains inactive while I am in
that function.

So the ISR goes like:

JBC TI, QUITY ; if TI caused it, just quit
MOV A, SBUF ; if '0' = 30 then update the IDATA
ADD A, #-30H ; else skip the update
SETB UpdateFlag
RETI ; if TX irq just returns

and the main loop:

while (1)
if (UpdateFlag == 1)
/*---------------------------- Debug ------------------------*/
EA = 0;
choice = GetByte();



UpdateFlag = 0;

EA = 1;

// Some functions here

My problem is this that the ISR works fine if I dont involve serial
port reading writing, that ISR would turn on or off any port correctly
upon receiving character '0'.

Similarly the GetByte and OutByte routines work fine as well when
Serial port is not on interrupt.

Its only after combining both I end up in problems, can anyone see any
potential problem in the approach?

Thanks in advance


Where is the gain? Sit and wait until all those other 15 bytes arrive
in the serial port? It seems that such approach is only a waste of time.

Keep a 256 byte ringbuffer, and let your serial interrupt fill it.
Your main loop compares a pointer/index with the one you use to fill
the buffer, to check if new characters have arrived. Process those
characters, and update the main pointer/index.

Dan Henry

So the ISR goes like:

JBC TI, QUITY ; if TI caused it, just quit
MOV A, SBUF ; if '0' = 30 then update the IDATA
ADD A, #-30H ; else skip the update
SETB UpdateFlag
RETI ; if TX irq just returns

One problem that has not been mentioned by others (at least in
c.a.e.), is that your ISR does not save and restore ACC and PSW.



Jamie said:
don't disable the IRQ function.
when receiving a character have the IRQ
service simply put it in a recircular buffer.
using 2 pointer regs to keep track of the next
one to reed from the buffer and the next one
to write to the buffer.
when the two pointers match this means there
is no characters in the buffer.

Please don't toppost. Your answer goes after, or possibly
interleaved with, appropriately snipped quoted material. i.e.
remove anything not germane to your answer.

You also need to resolve how to handle buffer overflow on input.
For interactive use I recommend discarding the oldest char, rather
than the new char. This allows a manual interrupt such as CTL-C
to be noticed.

Phil Hobbs

CBFalconer said:
You also need to resolve how to handle buffer overflow on input.
For interactive use I recommend discarding the oldest char, rather
than the new char. This allows a manual interrupt such as CTL-C
to be noticed.

You also need to serialize access to the buffer pointers, unless there's an
atomic read-modify-write on an 8051 (which I don't know, being a PIC guy).
Otherwise once in awhile your mainline code will be interrupted after reading
the buffer pointer and before updating it--and when the ISR returns, the
pointer will be overwritten. This sort of thing is a real headache to debug,
so just follow the rule about not sharing resources between ISRs and mainline
routines, and serialize the circular buffers used for the interface. That
will make your programs much less flaky.


Phil Hobbs

Neil Kurzman

Frank said:
Where is the gain? Sit and wait until all those other 15 bytes arrive
in the serial port? It seems that such approach is only a waste of time.

Keep a 256 byte ringbuffer, and let your serial interrupt fill it.
Your main loop compares a pointer/index with the one you use to fill
the buffer, to check if new characters have arrived. Process those
characters, and update the main pointer/index.

256 may be too much for a 8051, But he definitely needs a buffer ring or

Frank Bemelman

Neil Kurzman said:
256 may be too much for a 8051, But he definitely needs a buffer ring or

I assumed plenty of XDATA ;)


Thank you all for the discussion, I am afraid there is more to it than
I first wrote.

Actually, there is an array of microcontrollers each doing identical
job, that is lighting up a multiplexed LED array (of variable
characters) and the characters to display are configurable ofcourse,
i.e. user can choose to display any information onto the array(s).
Each micro corresponds to one row.

So there we go. I thought of giving an identity (any character 0xA0
and so on) each, to the microcontrollers for the rows and initially
the idea was on identity match, update the allocated IDATA space with
the charcters, else just ignore.

But can you please comment on the fact that if I go for filing the
buffers on each serial port interrupt I will end up writing and
rewriting all the micros with same data?



Frank Bemelman

Makhan said:
Thank you all for the discussion, I am afraid there is more to it than
I first wrote.

Actually, there is an array of microcontrollers each doing identical
job, that is lighting up a multiplexed LED array (of variable
characters) and the characters to display are configurable ofcourse,
i.e. user can choose to display any information onto the array(s).
Each micro corresponds to one row.

So there we go. I thought of giving an identity (any character 0xA0
and so on) each, to the microcontrollers for the rows and initially
the idea was on identity match, update the allocated IDATA space with
the charcters, else just ignore.

But can you please comment on the fact that if I go for filing the
buffers on each serial port interrupt I will end up writing and
rewriting all the micros with same data?

Each and every uC in your setup will receive and generate an interrupt
for each character. Of course you only want one uC to actually display
the message, if the first character matches.

But who cares if each uC stores the entire message in a ringbuffer?
Your main loop will just ignore messages that don't have that first
character match. When it sees a character 0x0A or higher, it has
received a full previous message, and it can check if that is is
a matching one that needs to be copied to your led display.

So yes, you end up writing each uC with the same data, but who