Maker Pro
Maker Pro

using infrared repeater on an infrared receiver to control a motor?

ok, first of all...i'm not sure of the exact difference between an "infrared repeater" or "infrared extender" but it's function is to do what's described here in this link:
or in this link as well:

What I want to do is control a DC motor interfaced with an infrared receiver by using an infrared transmitter in another room without any wires. It's the same as saying you want to control your television (changing volume/channel or turning it on/off) through your remote control by being in another room. Problem is I can't find any repeaters that would do this for a DC motor. I am planning on borrowing the techniques described in this link to recreate the exact replica in order to make my own infrared transmitter / receiver combination :

so I have chosen a picaxe microcontroller over basic stamp microcontroller but I'm not sure which one is more easier to implement. But the goal is the same: to use an infrared transmitter (which could be an existing sony remote control) to control a DC motor that is interfaced with an infrared receiver placed in another room, without the use of any wires. Is this possible?