Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Using a pre-heater to reflow solder on a board



I have a board with lots of parts. Most all through hole. I think
there is a cold solder joint on it somewhere. Can I use a pre-
heater. The ones you see being sold for SMD rework? Will this work?
If so what should I set it for. I know it is not made for this but I
don't have a oven, and don't want to buy one. It would take me hours
and hours to reflow each joint. Has anyone tried this? Is the only
way to do it one at a time or an oven? or ??


Dr. Anton T. Squeegee

I have a board with lots of parts. Most all through hole. I think
there is a cold solder joint on it somewhere. Can I use a pre-
heater. The ones you see being sold for SMD rework? Will this work?


I don't know that a preheater will put out enough oomph to do as
you describe.

One thing you can try, if you're careful, is to use an Ungar 6966C
mini heat gun, along with the narrow tubular tip, to reflow small areas
at a time. I've had great success using this same heat gun for minor SMD
reflow to correct cold joints, but I have no idea how well (or poorly)
it would work for thru-hole.

There have also been (and are) DIY projects to make a reflow oven
out of a toaster oven. You may want to investigate this.

Happy flowing.