Maker Pro
Maker Pro

uses of wavelength

red light has low frequency and high wavelenth

but the red light become less visibile after travelling .i mean cannot hit the wall which half kilometer from the source.

i need to know what changes in color with high frequency what changes in color with high wavelength

why it cannot hit the wall with same intensity as we seen at source


nd you must remember colour is not a specification of a wavelength or a frequency
Colour is JUST our perception of the visible light band with the makeup of our eyes
just ask a colour blind person.

which property affect the penetration of wave..Thank you in advance

you should really label that frequency

there are many properties that affect penetration depth of a given frequency
type of material, density of that material to name a couple

VERY low radio frequencies in the ELF and VLF bands 3 to 30 kHz can penetrate water well and can be used to communicate with submarines ... whereas HF, VHF and up into the microwave bands cannot

Lasers of specific colours can also penetrate water to respectable depths

X-Rays penetrate the body tissue well
