Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Use Brain control Walkman's speaker volume.



Hi all

I wanna build a ciruit for brain to control Walkman speaker volume (by
the busy level of logical thinking, more logical thinking, smaller
volume, vice versa)

I tried EEG b4, but it's not user-friendly (need gel).

So i changed the approach to use near-infrared red (NIR) to capture the status
of brain.

It has features of noninvasive, no interferece with EMG, ECG, and the
most important, no need gel.

What i wanna ask is that:

1. Is it really possible to measeare busy level of logical thinking by
just using NIR ?

2. If it's possible, what position of NIR should i place ? (for hand
movement imagination, it should be put on C3 of 10-20 EEG system, how
about logical thinking ? on the frontal side ?)

3. Any substitute of Hamamatsu C5460-01 (NIR sensor) and 700nm/800nm
LED (NIR emmitter). I found that it's quite difficult to buy them in
Hong Kong. Also, i suspect they are expensive. Any other cheaper
substitutes ?

Thank very much for help.


Ding said:
Hi all

I wanna build a ciruit for brain to control Walkman speaker volume (by
the busy level of logical thinking, more logical thinking, smaller
volume, vice versa)

I tried EEG b4, but it's not user-friendly (need gel).

So i changed the approach to use near-infrared red (NIR) to capture the status
of brain.

It has features of noninvasive, no interferece with EMG, ECG, and the
most important, no need gel.

What i wanna ask is that:

1. Is it really possible to measeare busy level of logical thinking by
just using NIR ?

2. If it's possible, what position of NIR should i place ? (for hand
movement imagination, it should be put on C3 of 10-20 EEG system, how
about logical thinking ? on the frontal side ?)

3. Any substitute of Hamamatsu C5460-01 (NIR sensor) and 700nm/800nm
LED (NIR emmitter). I found that it's quite difficult to buy them in
Hong Kong. Also, i suspect they are expensive. Any other cheaper
substitutes ?

Thank very much for help.

I have been working for this company
and we can differentiate between different thoughts to move the mouse or
drive a wheelchair. This technology has been developed from secret Russian
experiments. We use a DSP with LMS-filter algorithms to detect the
individual thinking patterns, which are sensed by very low frequency
electret mikrophones in the ears. The blood pressure will give certain
distinguishable patterns. You have to train yourself and the adaptive
filters for abour two days, then you can use many different commands.

Product developer

You can only detect very non-specific activity like hand movement or
the thought of a hand movement via C3 or C4. This approach has a long
way to go to be a consideration now.
C3 and C4 are not only ideal for motor sensory pick up but they are
the ideal locations for cognitive function generally and by default
are the two lowest noise parts of the 10/20 system. Of course the ear
lobes A3 and A4 are the absolute lowest in noise but you wont find
much EEG there!
There are dozens of other detectors that will work but unless you are
well versed in electro-optics you have a challenging road ahead. Just
the slightest movement of the source or detector inrelation to their
focal point on the head will result in artifacts that will require
filtering to get any reliable S/N ratio.

Furthermore all of the tests that I know of in this area have been
conducted in temperature controlled labs with the subject in a very
subdued state. One could assume that the same subject with all this
equipment tethered to him, walking on a treadmill or doing something
that will change his heart rate and blood pressure like real life will
have a dramatic influence on this approach rendering it impractical
for any other application beyond helping the incapacitated with wheel
chair control or such. In other words if you are not funded and are
doing this on your own dime be prepared for some long hours and lots
of money to get beyond academic level proof of concept.

I have been looking for alternatives to paste, saline, and electrodes
for a long time in neuro-cognitive work and have found none.

Pre-cognitive hand movement detection goes back to the 60's and was
perfected by Dr. John Ertl in Canada. I have boxes of his works but I
don't know how much is available on the web.