Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need to revise, nothing entering my brain

I am studying artificial intelligence for exam and came to a point where I need to revise everything I stuided. It ofc takes more effort in brain than learning the concept watching tutorials and reading blog posts as you need to memorize it(for exam).

Any guidance, on how to crack this position and start revising in such a way everything enters my head? Will yoga and meditation help? How do you guys do yoga and mditation at night? My room is filled with dirt so It is not possible to do yoga here. I feel lazy to do yoga in morning outside. Should I go outside(top of my house) to do yoga and meditation? Will that help? Please guide? Sorry for off topic. Really bothering me.
Will yoga and meditation help?
NOTHING is going to help you. WE certainly can't. You don't even listen or acknowledge anything we offer in advice.

You have posted multiple times on your inability to learn, failure to understand, inability to take notes..... there is nothing in any of your posts that gives 'me' any confidence in anything you are trying to achieve. If you were even half way serious about it you would have at least made copious notes and KEPT THEM.

Your attitude and approach is completely at odds with what you're trying to achieve. You can't even organise your own personal space! The chances at organising your life seems very remote.

Please stop posting these requests.
NOTHING is going to help you. WE certainly can't. You don't even listen or acknowledge anything we offer in advice.

You have posted multiple times on your inability to learn, failure to understand, inability to take notes..... there is nothing in any of your posts that gives 'me' any confidence in anything you are trying to achieve. If you were even half way serious about it you would have at least made copious notes and KEPT THEM.

Your attitude and approach is completely at odds with what you're trying to achieve. You can't even organise your own personal space! The chances at organising your life seems very remote.

Please stop posting these requests.
i listen to all feedbacks dude. i made mistakes in the past that doesn't make me bad. everyone makes mistakes in life. i am sure you made more embarassing and idiotic mistakes than me.
when you are trying to score 100% on every subject you study, it is going to be difficult to understand. I am excellent with taking notes, who told you I'm bad with them? It is just that I didn't keep them as I thought they would be of no use in future.
I don't need to give "YOU" confidence. I already have all notes made from past papers questions which is important in Nepal. Also ignore my posts instead of ranting about me. I haven't broke any rules here right?
Since I'm over 60 I for sure have made more mistakes than you (just an assumption though) but I learned from them and use that learning to offer advice where I can. The membership of this forum do this daily, without recompense and with the intent of helping others.

All we hear from you is your 'struggle' - nothing positive, nothing helpful, nothing even remotely encouraging and, by your own admission, you failed to keep your notes (ISTR you said you SOLD them? - sort of sets the scene for the type of person you are really i.e. in it for the short term gains). If you want 'fake' cheers and shouts of 'go for it big boy!' you've come to the wrong place.

What's the actual pass mark for the exams? Is it important to pass or to get 100% in everything? One answer is reasonable and the other is ridiculous. A 100% pass mark doesn't mean you understand the subject 100%.

If you can't instil confidence in 'me' you're going to get no where trying to instil it in yourself.

Also ignore my posts instead of ranting about me.

Since you've previously took none of the past advice I'll take yours (for a change) - ignored.
Since I'm over 60 I for sure have made more mistakes than you (just an assumption though) but I learned from them and use that learning to offer advice where I can. The membership of this forum do this daily, without recompense and with the intent of helping others.

All we hear from you is your 'struggle' - nothing positive, nothing helpful, nothing even remotely encouraging and, by your own admission, you failed to keep your notes (ISTR you said you SOLD them? - sort of sets the scene for the type of person you are really i.e. in it for the short term gains). If you want 'fake' cheers and shouts of 'go for it big boy!' you've come to the wrong place.

What's the actual pass mark for the exams? Is it important to pass or to get 100% in everything? One answer is reasonable and the other is ridiculous. A 100% pass mark doesn't mean you understand the subject 100%.

If you can't instil confidence in 'me' you're going to get no where trying to instil it in yourself.

Since you've previously took none of the past advice I'll take yours (for a change) - ignored.
I was suffering from mental health issues. I was naive innocent, out of touch with reality for almost 2.5 years of my life which happened to coincide with engineering college. Friends, seniors, relatives, parents all misguided me and as I was too naive I fell for the trap. I was very stupid as well. But that's past. You can't belittle me for it. I don't understand why people in these forums seem IDK what to say..what type, what type I don't understand. Are they failing to understand that I realized my mistake? The point is I am not the same person I was before and I keep on improving. My teachers shit the bed, so what, earlier I found excuses, now I use forums to clear my doubts. Most of the times I don't even need answer from anyone, I get the answer after I articulate an answer myself.
I was unlucky and stupid that it all happened to me. Nb choses depression, nb chooses mental health issues. While I am still suffering from them, I am recovering them...and I can feel that. I keep all my notes now. Very organized. Although we are poor and can't afford a study rack to keep those notes, I manage them in a cartoon like thing that comes when you buy stuffs from groceries and shops in bulk. IDK what they call it.

. That's why I made mistakes. I regretted it and moved on, no need to shit on me for making those mistakes at those point.
As I said in one of your other threads, you know what you need to do. You know what mistakes you made. Learn by them and look forward to a future without the same mistakes.
Asking about yoga is useless.
Every single person on the planet learn and understand in their own way. Some smoke a cigarette, some drink coffee, some read and repeat, some have photographic memory. Making notes is easy. Taking notes that you fully understand at a later date is paramount.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you dude!.
