Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Use Arduino & 2 Switches to Turn LED on and off

Hey everyone! I'm kinda new here but thought this may be helpful. I know some of you can do this in your sleep, but a lot of people may find this useful. The concept can be used to control just about anything (motor, relay, LCD, speaker, etc.).

(Link removed)

What's everyone working on? What are your struggles with Arduino and microcontrollers?
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If that was your first post you would have been banned for spamming...

In fact, you have previously been warned about this. Did you forget?
Hi Steve,

I'm sorry if I offended anyone here but I fail to see how this is spam.

A relevant, helpful post (regardless of who wrote it) should be welcome on a forum like this. Did I put it in the wrong place? What have I done wrong?
And no, I haven't forgotten. If you look at my recent posts/replies you'll see they contain helpful, relevant links to more info, while others have no links at all, just was trying to be helpful. Some people have even replied and thanked me or liked my posts.

I'm sorry that certain unethical people "abuse the system" and post garbage that isn't relevant or helpful, but I don't do that. I only post when I can add value. Starting to feel like a scapegoat for all the people who actually have posted spam here...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You are advertising your own web site.

As a moderator I can see the post which was deleted when you did this last time.

If someone asks a question for which this is an answer then you could post it.

As it is, the link was pretty useless because it didn't give the code, and there are some technical issues with the way the buttons are wired that are not explained and which need to be handled in a specific way in the code.

And I don't even know if it's your video or whether you're linking to someone else's video.
Steve, I'm not here to cause trouble or upset people. With all due respect, if you look at my recent posts (past year or so) you're the only one that's complained as far as I know.

I'm not sure what post was deleted last time; last time I can see something like this happened was almost 1.5 years ago. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal to post about my FB group, but people got upset and I totally respect that and stopped. My bad. As a webmaster myself, I know that dealing with spam comments is no fun.

Helpful relevant content is helpful relevant content, whether I, you, or someone else creates it.

If I would have posted something similar that someone else produced, would that have been ok? How is that fair? Wouldn't I be "advertising" their site? And if it's relevant and helps people, why is this such a big deal? Is not the point of this forum to help others?

I posted that video (which is 100% original, mine, not a copy of someone else's work and also has the code in it) because it was relevant to this section of the forum and some people may find it helpful. Rest assured the buttons were wired fine and it worked.

Some things I've posted have links, others don't, and perhaps sometime soon I'll link to someone else' stuff if it's helpful and relevant. I just don't understand why I'm being punished for posting relevant stuff that adds value.


I sincerely thank you for your feedback on the video. Perhaps I'll post the code (in written form) on my site and try to go into more detail on how it works.
Look, I'm truly sorry that I made a bad first impression on some of the moderators 1.5+ years ago.

Please give me a chance and let me redeem myself.

I promise to only post things that I believe are relevant and helpful, regardless of who created the content. I will not spam or post irrelevant stuff. That's not my style.

Again, my apologies for what happened in the past.
If someone would actually like to see the video and how the switches work with the Arduino, then feel free to message me on here since the link has been removed...