Maker Pro
Maker Pro

USB connector shield

Hi all,
I wonder if someone could please clear this up for me.
I have a portable tablet device which has a USB type A connector. Which I am going to connect a separate set of electronics, to get power and GND via a micro USB connector.
Do I need to connect the shield of the micro USB to OV or can I leave it unconnected.
I am using a FTDI IC FT232 device.
I have seen on their guidelines, they use a 0R resistor to connect the shield to 0V. I have seen other documents showing the same connection using a ferrite bead. Also one where a Capacitor is used. I know this is for EMI, but which one do I use?
My second question is that do I need to place the micro USB connector with a GND plane underneath or nothing? I think it may depend upon my the outcome of my first question.
Any help would be appreciated, ask if I am really unsure.
Thanks in advance.