Maker Pro
Maker Pro

USB Chainsaw


Rich Webb

I sell them also:
these are straight through, whereas the transfer cable swaps rx and tx.

As I say, the only time I have used these, was when the designer did it
wrong, and placed the wrong connector on the peripheral. IE: Chainsaw!
Then you need an AM to AM straight through cable, and not a transfer cable.

I seem to recall that in the early days of USB there were quite a few
peripherals with A connectors. Took a little while to stabilize (or
standardize) on the current layout.

Spehro Pefhany

Charge for months, and use for minutes!

It's not quite that bad.

0.0034/0.5 = 0.0068

0.0068 * 24 * 60 = 9.79 minutes per day (at full HP!).

One of the 36V nanophosphate packs (A123 cells) should do it.


Robert Roland said:
I have seent it once, on a hard disk enclosure for a 2.5" drive. The
cable even had three connectors, so you could leech power from an
additional USB port if the drive drew too much power for one port.

Fairly common for 2.5" external drives IME. The start up current often
exceeds 500mA.


Jasen Betts

Fair nuff!

Obviously I wasn't familiar enough with the transfer cable, however the
AM to AM that is used with the USBchainsaw is considered a special cable

The only reason I have ended up stocking them is because of designer faults.

some devices (eg PCs running linux) can (optionally) behave like usb devices
or like hosts and to connect them (as a device) to another host you'd need
an AM-AM cable,

I've never tried it, just seen the option "usb widget support" in ther kernel

Peter Dickerson

Jasen Betts said:
some devices (eg PCs running linux) can (optionally) behave like usb
or like hosts and to connect them (as a device) to another host you'd need
an AM-AM cable,

I've never tried it, just seen the option "usb widget support" in ther

There is no mechanism for transfering data directly between USB host
controllers. You can't connect one PC USB host port to a second PC and do
anything useful. Some controllers (not PC ones) ate OTG controllers which
means they can switch role from host to device but the OTG spec has its own
set of connectors and cables (there is an extra signal IIRC that designates
which end is the default host). An 'A' to 'A' cable would require a device
in the middle that appears as such to each of the hosts and defines some
means to pass data across.

I'm guessing that "usb widget support" for Linux means that the Linux system
has a USB device port and that a PC, or whatever, USB host can control it. A
photoframe might be an example of that.


Don McKenzie

Brendan said:
Hash: SHA1

My knockoff chinese copy of the microchip ICD2 has one of those. I never
understood why.

I'll bet it is an Olimex.

The reason it was done, was because he couldn't get a suitable housing
big enough to match the standard BM connector, so he used an AM
connector. Big mistake.

Now, he has the correct box, to match the correct connector. This was
done with, I think it was 3 products. All now corrected.

That was the design flaw that lead me to believe that the USB chainsaw
was a spoof.

Read further down for the "The chainsaw spoof!! Reaction?" thread.

Cheers Don...

Don McKenzie

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