Maker Pro
Maker Pro

UPDATE: Samsung TV TXE2545 Bottom Half of Picture




Thanks to everyone for your responses. The only part I had
to replace was the TDA8350Q. I tested the caps, some of you
suggested may also need replacing, but they were fine.
The other thing I did was solder several joints that had fine
cracks due to thermal cycling.


Before you type your password, credit card number, etc.,
be sure there is no active key logger (spyware) in your PC.
If the only part you replaced was the ic, plan on replacing it again in
a few months.

Did you install the Samsung required modification kit and all of its
parts for the vertical ic failure in that set?


No he did not...
Its amazing they ask for info and dont take it.
This was brought to his attention
but all he changed was the IC.

Poof Poof



I guess I'm a little behind times here. I've fixed dozens and dozens of
these with just the IC and had a grand total of zero come back. What
does this "kit" consist of? If all the electrolytics test OK why fool
with them?

Tom MacIntyre

I guess I'm a little behind times here. I've fixed dozens and dozens of
these with just the IC and had a grand total of zero come back. What
does this "kit" consist of? If all the electrolytics test OK why fool
with them?

The kit is a collection of capacitors and zeners (I think; I've been
away from this for a few years), a factory-recommended modification.

These guys have it.

The kit specifically is suppose give the ic a larger buffer with its
range of operation to prevent premature failure. Most will last a few
months to a year and a half if only the ic is replaced.

Most customers figure it is not worth the effort to take a 'junk' brand
tv like that back in for a second repair after that kind of time frame.


Thanks for the info. I see ordering the factory TDA8350Q from Samsung
changes part # and sells for $17, list for $23. Anybody know if this
gets the "kit" or just the TDA8350Q thats normally bought for $4.00?
One thing I am totally shocked about is that this part "IS" actually
available through Samsung. Very rare indeed.

Tom MacIntyre

Thanks for the info. I see ordering the factory TDA8350Q from Samsung
changes part # and sells for $17, list for $23. Anybody know if this
gets the "kit" or just the TDA8350Q thats normally bought for $4.00?
One thing I am totally shocked about is that this part "IS" actually
available through Samsung. Very rare indeed.

I think the kit is a separate entity, but as I said, it's been awhile.

Samsung actually is/was good about its parts supplying. I don't know
if there's a difference between a $4 non-Samsung part and the
Samsung-supplied part either. Depends on the source, I suppose.


Leonard Caillouet

You have to be a member to access the download area of the techassist site.
Well worth it for a technician, IMO.
