Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ultracapacitor protection/balancing board

I have to design a stable stack of 10 (or more) in series connected 2.7V ultracapacitors. To be able to do this I need a balancing/protection board to not overcharge the ultracapacitors (due to difference in impedance/difference in leakage current/tolerance in rated 2.7V).

Looking into this I noticed that there are a lot of different ways to balance a circuit. Two examples:
- For example I found Amazon and Ebay sold premade balancing circuits (
- I also read a lot about a type of MOSFETs being used as a way of balancing (
-,1367,1033,1032!s_1107,0!gtd_!1112_Active Cell Balancing|Active Charge Balancing|Automatic Cell Balancing

So the question is: how to choose the right way of balancing? Or what information do I need to make right choice?

I have to possibility to design and print my own PCB using an example circuit of a suitable balancing circuit.

What is further important in making the choice are the efficiency of the circuit (I want as low dissipation/lost energy as possible) and the charge/discharge times (I do not want these to be affected much).

Thanks for any help!
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If low loss is your goal then you'll have to look at active balancing.

One you see how complex this is, you might want to reconsider how important "low loss" really is.