Maker Pro

UIROBOT from Shanghai

Should we ban spammers like these two?

  • No, some relevant quiet spam can be useful

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It really is the worlds slowest spam, if that's what it is. I was curious to see how it developed, and opted to leave it alone.
Yes, I felt the same, it being quite discrete & somewhat relevant. The poll I added seems to be going quite slow too.. Let's just see how they develop and decide on it later.
It’s spam all right – UI Robot is a Shanghai company that sells stepper motor controllers. I got a kick out of their website -

“We advocates the philosophy of modular design and manufacture…”

“R & D staff of UI Robot is from the United States…”

“We hopes to develop new ideas and new realms in the filed of robotic research/manufacturing…”

Mechanically – their stuff looks pretty good. Based on the copy laid down on the website by the ‘U.S. R & D staff’ though – I think for now, I’ll stick with the stepper controllers I’ve been using.