Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Two-Stage BJT & FET Amplifier Project

Good day, everyone. Thank you for visiting.

I have this electronics and circuit devices course and we were given a project on making our own two-stage BJT & FET amplifier that would produce a certain gain and frequency.

The requirements for the amplifier are:
2-stage amplifier (1 BJT, 1FET)
Av = 80dB
Bandwidth = 40kHz
Vcc = 3V - 5V
Input frequency: 20Hz - 20kHz @ 1mV

I don't really know where to start on the project because we were only taught how to compute values on a given amplifier circuit, not how to design one. A friend of mine gave me an example but i don't want to copy it. He has a drain feedback EMOSFET for the first stage and a voltage divider BJT for the second stage. I don't know why he chose those configurations and how he came up with those values. I'll have it attached below as an example.

I hope this community can help me through the project and thank you for reading :)


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