Maker Pro
Maker Pro

TV makes a chirping sound which gets louder when the picture gets brighter


Ville Aakko


I have a Finlux 3624(F) TV that makes an annoying high-pitched chirping
sound. The sound is definitely coming from inside the chassis (not
speakers). I know that there are a lot of possible sources for the sound,
but decided to ask from you experts: Does the fact that the sound gets
louder when the picture gets brighter give any hint about the location of
the source? Is there something that could be done to fix it? Could it just
be a bad soldering (I saw several suspecting ones when I opened the

Also, the picture seems to have RG&B slightly off set from each other at
least in the upper and lower part of the screen (clearly visible on borders
of white and black, with blue vertical shadows right next to the left
border and red to the right), but not in the middle. Is this a sign of a
fault or of bad quality of the tube?

(I haven't had this set since new so I really don't know if the picture has
been like that always, but I'd suspect it's possible.)

Also(2), this TV has had repeated problems with it's power supply (it has
been repaired by local electronics students at least twice). I changed all
the electrolyte condensators (capacitors) because it had problems powering
up (again), and that problem seems gone now (well, for a while at least).
Is it possible that a faulty component (possibly causing the chirping, too)
has also caused the power supply to fail repeatedly? I have no idea what
the students have done with the TV previously, though.

I haven't tried the "listening trough a cardboard tube with chassis open
while turned on (!)"-trick yet, or "pokein' 'em components with a wooden or
plastik stick or somethin'" (I found these tips by Googleing from this ng).
Well I'm not sure I have the time (and courage) to those anyways ;)
Depends on how annoying the chirping gets on my nerves in the long run.

Thanks for all the answers!



It seems the problem is with your ABL line (pin out of the LOT). It can
also occur if the power supply is tinkered with resulting in the supply
not matching the chasis.