Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Turn your Rigol DS1052E Oscilloscope into a 100MHz DS1102E


Phil Allison

"keith ratbag congenital MORON and TROLL "
You got what you paid for, no deception.

** Learn to read - you asinine FUCKHEAD.

Buyers are deliberately kept in the dark about the real situation in order
to get them to pay an unjustifiably higher price for the 100MHz model. That
is a deception tantamount to fraud.

If buyers KNEW the truth, few would ever buy the 100MHz model.

A lie of omission is still a LIE.

...... Phil

David L. Jones

For those who thought Rigol may bin the scopes to get 50MHz and 100MHz
models, and that they aren't actually identical hardware and firmware, I've
been informed that Rigol have finally admitted this to an irate customer who
contacted them about the issue.

Partial Quote from Rigol :
"The firmware of the instruments is made
to enable capability based on the version purchased just like any software
licensed product you would buy."

Betcha they would never have admitted that before it was all exposed a few
weeks ago.


Jon Kirwan

For those who thought Rigol may bin the scopes to get 50MHz and 100MHz
models, and that they aren't actually identical hardware and firmware, I've
been informed that Rigol have finally admitted this to an irate customer who
contacted them about the issue.

Partial Quote from Rigol :
"The firmware of the instruments is made to enable capability
based on the version purchased just like any software
licensed product you would buy."

Betcha they would never have admitted that before it was all exposed a few
weeks ago.


I'm surprised they wrote that, at all.

One thing I find interesting is that if the same hardware is
used for 100MHz and 50Mhz versions, either the 50MHz system
is a bargain because it includes 100MHz capable hardware
(implying it performs better than it would otherwise) or else
the 100MHz version really isn't up to snuff.



"keith ratbag congenital MORON and TROLL"

** Learn to read - you asinine FUCKHEAD.

Buyers are deliberately kept in the dark about the real situation in order
to get them to pay an unjustifiably higher price for the 100MHz model. That
is a deception tantamount to fraud.

If buyers KNEW the truth, few would ever buy the 100MHz model.

A lie of omission is still a LIE.

You got what you paid for, in fact with Dave's hack, you got more than
you paid for. Quit whining.

Phil Allison

"keith ratbag Congenital MORON and TROLL"

You got what you paid for,

** Who got what they paid for - eh ??

What the **** makes YOU think I bought a DS1102E ??????

**** OFF AND DIE !!!


..... Phil


"keith ratbag Congenital MORON and TROLL"

** Who got what they paid for - eh ??

What the **** makes YOU think I bought a DS1102E ??????

**** OFF AND DIE !!!


Well aren't you the unlucky one, do toasters actually have 100MHz
waveforms then?


Phil said:
"keith ratbag Congenital MORON and TROLL"

** Who got what they paid for - eh ??

What the **** makes YOU think I bought a DS1102E ??????

**** OFF AND DIE !!!


Nope you said that you bought a DS1052E so you got more than you paid
for so stop whining.

In fact you were boasting about the value for money that you got:-
1. The upper limit of the "counter" function of my DS1052E is 264.25 > MHz.
2. The upper limit of a viewable, synchronised wave is circa 400MHz.
3. The FFT works to beyond 260 MHz, but beware of frequency aliasing.
4. The digital filter works as shown on the screen guides.

Not too shabby for cheap, nominal 50MHz scope..............

So you got a real good deal so shut up and stop whining.

Phil Allison

"keith ratbag Congenital MORON and TROLL"

You got what you paid for,

** Who got what they paid for - eh ?????

What fucking insanity makes YOU think I bought a DS1102E ??????

**** OFF AND DIE !!!


..... Phil

Phil Allison

"keith ratbag Congenital MORON and TROLL"

You got what you paid for,

** Who got what they paid for - eh ??

What fuckwit insanity makes YOU think I bought a DS1102E ??????

**** OFF AND DIE !!!


..... Phil


I thought the 100MHz scope has another timebase setting, so the firmwarewould
have to know about the BOM change. The component still could have different
ratings. It likely is the same, though.

A mere jumper would do the job. Jumper in 100 MHz, jumper out 50 MHz. Have the
firmware read the jumper at startup. Or a different resistor value like they do
for fancy (HP/Tek) scope probes.


In this case Rigol actually went to the trouble to design-in circuitry to
enable this 50MHz "cripple" feature. The front end was clearly designed from
day one to be at least 100MHz bandwidth, and they then decided to dumb it
down to meet a lower end market and price point by adding the cripple

Excuse me, don't both models have a 20 MHz limited bandwidth mode using
that same circuit? In that case what extra parts? Just a few lines of
code more.


I see and understand "Nial Stewarts" point.

$0.50 is like a slap in the face for MS..

I would how ever, do the honorable deed and pay $0.75 for it.


Your choice, i will hesitate on giving them 2 bits ($0.25).


Quite often, the things are getting tossed into the different bins not
because of a difference in quality, but for marketing, legal, inventory
reduction or whatever non-technical reasons. There are many examples of
that. But the question is not about moral/legal implications.

The idea of using varicap in the scope analog front end doesn't make
much sense to me. What do you think?

Vladimir Vassilevsky
DSP and Mixed Signal Design Consultant

Well, there are many 'scopes out there with input bandwidth limiting,
quite often at 20 MHz. Look around. The circuit was put there to do
that function. Finding an alternate use for it to penetrate another
market that does not really have use for a full 100 MHz 'scope seems
like smart marketing. Leaving the barn door open was not smart.


keithr said:
It certainly isn't bleedin' obvious unless it has been done. All that has
been proved it that the hack appears to give similar results.

Isn't that enough proof ?
Others have reported that firmware is frequently designed exactly the same
A product has exactly the same code (firmware), but different models
more features through a setup program.
Go back and read all the threads.
If you take things at face value without proper checking then you are a
bit stupid.

That is generally true, but in this case the chances of you being right are
slim indeed.
It is bleedingly obvious that the firmware was IDENTICAL in both models,
and it was only the setup NVRAM that determined the performance.
I don't own a Rigol so I can't check myself, but others may be able to do so
Of course they have, it still doesn't prove that the firmwares are

Really ?
If the firmware was different why would they need to change it now then ?

George Jefferson

Jon Kirwan said:
I'm surprised they wrote that, at all.

One thing I find interesting is that if the same hardware is
used for 100MHz and 50Mhz versions, either the 50MHz system
is a bargain because it includes 100MHz capable hardware
(implying it performs better than it would otherwise) or else
the 100MHz version really isn't up to snuff.

Or the 100Mhz version is up to snuff but overpriced? is that not an option?
In fact, it seems like the most likely case. It is been a well used
marketing ploy to bring in extra revenues.

For example, it would be like paying for an upgrade to first class when all
seats are first class. Of course to get you to buy the upgrade they tell you
that coach sucks and is for losers and only intelligent and beautiful people
go first class.

Phil Allison

"Glenn Gundlach"

** What a simple minded twat YOU are - fuckhead

It's always a very bad idea to butt into other people's flame wars -

specially when you are too stupid to comprehend what is happening.

FOAD - you asinine TROLLING twat.

..... Phil
A mere jumper would do the job. Jumper in 100 MHz, jumper out 50 MHz. Have the
firmware read the jumper at startup. Or a different resistor value like they do
for fancy (HP/Tek) scope probes.

Sure, but that is a BOM change. It's no different, really, than versioning
hardware (so firmware can configure itself for the hardware rev/features).