Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Turn off delay circuit


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
One option is to have a positive and negative edge triggered monostable (that's 2 monostables) driving a flip-flop.

One monostable detects the rising edge and generates a 10 to 100ns pulse, the other detects the falling edge and generates a pule of the same 10 to 100ms. A flip flop is triggered by the edge(s) at the end of the 10 to 100ns pulses.

The "stored" pulse duration would depend on its accuracy on the matching of the pulse lengths of the monostable.

I'd be looking at normal logic rather than 555s. (Is there a reason you want to use 555s?)
Thank you.
I had some experience with 555 but I know nothing about logic chips. If you have any circuit plz share.

regarding the 2 monostables, would it not be altering the waveform?
i need it to be exactly the same. i saw some circuits on the web but i found nothing that suit me.
Thank you.

oh and i use square waves only (if that helps)
the pulses will be no more than 1khtz
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