Joel Kolstad
I'm trying to find a web site I happened upon perhaps a year ago to show a
friend, and I'm now unable to find it. It was the home page of a guy in --
I think -- Arizona who's living off-grid. He had an airplane hanger as he
was a private pilot, a home theater, and had bulldozed his own road back to
the nearest town. Formerly he'd been a motorcycle mechanic.
I don't suppose anyone knows who this gentleman might be?
---Joel Kolstad
I'm trying to find a web site I happened upon perhaps a year ago to show a
friend, and I'm now unable to find it. It was the home page of a guy in --
I think -- Arizona who's living off-grid. He had an airplane hanger as he
was a private pilot, a home theater, and had bulldozed his own road back to
the nearest town. Formerly he'd been a motorcycle mechanic.
I don't suppose anyone knows who this gentleman might be?
---Joel Kolstad