Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Trying to contact Tom Gootee



Hi all,

I found a manual on Tom Gootee's web site:, oredered it and paid for it via
PayPal. Now, almost three months later, I still have not received the manual
nor have any of my numerous e-mails, voice mails, or messages left with
someone who occasionally answers his phone been returned. Does anyone know
how to get ahold of him or what may be going on?

Why are you announcing this on a newsgroup?
The whole idea of PayPal is to protect the buyer and the seller.....
...... soooooo, you should contact PayPal. Either you will get your
stuff or you will get your money back.


Why are you announcing this on a newsgroup?
The whole idea of PayPal is to protect the buyer and the seller.....
..... soooooo, you should contact PayPal. Either you will get your
stuff or you will get your money back.
Actually, I'm curious why I have neither heard from Tom nor received my
manual, and what the experiences of others who have tried to buy things from
Tom have been. Also, I've seen that Tom posts to the sci.electronics...
newsgroups, so I'm hoping to get a response from him (or someone who knows
him) through this channel.

Finally, PayPal won't/can't help me because it's beyond 45 days since I sent
the money.

..... then you should "challenge" the bill on your credit card and claim
that you never recieved the merchandise. Most credit card companies
will "side" with the card holder until proven otherwise.

Luis Martino Ameijeiras

Stan said:
Hi all,

I found a manual on Tom Gootee's web site:, oredered it and paid for it
PayPal. Now, almost three months later, I still have not received the
nor have any of my numerous e-mails, voice mails, or messages left with
someone who occasionally answers his phone been returned. Does anyone know
how to get ahold of him or what may be going on?


Why did you bought something from a website which clearly shows no signs of
being updated in the last three years??


Luis Martino Ameijeiras said:
Why did you bought something from a website which clearly shows no signs
of being updated in the last three years??
Actually, when I originally Googled the manual to try to find a source, I
was directed to a page on Tom's website that was updated in 2005. That,
along with the fact that I knew Tom was still active on the newsgroups
suggested to me that it was very likely he was still around and would send
me the manual I paid for.

Since my PayPal payment was funded by my existing PayPal balance, a credit
card compnay was not involved, so I don't think I have that recourse.
Besides, it's not really about the money (although I would like to have my
money back if I can't have the manual I ordered), it's more about trying to
straighten out an online transaction that went astray.

Sure, in retrospect I should have done things differently, but hindsight is
*always* 20/20!


Luis Martino Ameijeiras

Stan said:
Actually, when I originally Googled the manual to try to find a source, I
was directed to a page on Tom's website that was updated in 2005. That,
along with the fact that I knew Tom was still active on the newsgroups
suggested to me that it was very likely he was still around and would send
me the manual I paid for.

Since my PayPal payment was funded by my existing PayPal balance, a credit
card compnay was not involved, so I don't think I have that recourse.
Besides, it's not really about the money (although I would like to have my
money back if I can't have the manual I ordered), it's more about trying
to straighten out an online transaction that went astray.

Sure, in retrospect I should have done things differently, but hindsight
is *always* 20/20!


You are right. I just hope you didn´t lose much money in the transaction.
Stan said:
Hi all,

I found a manual on Tom Gootee's web site:, oredered it and paid for it via
PayPal. Now, almost three months later, I still have not received the manual
nor have any of my numerous e-mails, voice mails, or messages left with
someone who occasionally answers his phone been returned. Does anyone know
how to get ahold of him or what may be going on?




I just saw your Paypal request for a refund and will process it ASAP
(in the morning). I'll also send your manual(s), if I can find out
what you ordered (email me, just to be sure).

I have had some severe problems, both computer/email-related and
otherwise, for the last several months, and have also had WAY more work
than usual. Many/most emails were disappearing (or, rather, never
appearing) and I was too busy trying to finish a project (and trying to
attend to some other situations, here) to notice.

It looks like everything is pretty-much A-OK, again, now, finally.
(BTW: I also am almost never available by phone, and basically never
get any messages left for me. Sorry. I'll have to think about trying
to change that.) I'm now trying to work back through my Paypal
"History" screens, to see what all might have been missed.

The manuals webpage IS up-to-date. I just haven't acquired any new
manuals to add to it, for a while. ( )

By next week, I should be back to my standard "same-day shipping"

If there is anyone else who reads this who did not get an order they
placed, please email tomg at .

- Tom Gootee


Stan said:
Hi all,

I found a manual on Tom Gootee's web site:, oredered it and paid for it
PayPal. Now, almost three months later, I still have not received the
nor have any of my numerous e-mails, voice mails, or messages left with
someone who occasionally answers his phone been returned. Does anyone know
how to get ahold of him or what may be going on?

I never heard from Tom directly, nor from anyone who knew how to get in
touch with him. Since PayPal couldn't help me recover my initial payment to
Tom (past their 45-day limit), I submitted a request for payment from Tom
through PayPal. A few days later Tom refunded my money without comment, so
all is well. I still don't know what happened with the original transaction,
but I'm satisifed with the outcome.
