Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Transistor identification help please

Greetings all. New to site and forum. Would greatly appreciate assistance with identification of what appears to be a transistor, though I am unfortunately not certain after a move, precisely from what type of device it was scavenged. The face shows what I believe is an "m" within a cirle (Motorola?), and the next line reads "221-192" and the third and final line reads "QNM350". I have done some preliminary searching to no avail. Would anyone be so kind as to assist with identification please? I try to repurpose things as a part in positive green living. Thank you in advance! DAN
Can't give you the answer.
If your logo is the letters 'ON' with a circle around it, it's ON Semiconductor, which is
now what used to be Motorola semiconductor.

I have nothing but trouble trying to get data concerning the new ON Semi part numbers. (If that's what you've got)
They do have a contact us block on that website if you want to ask them about your
part number. I've found they often abbreviate the marking on the device (which means
you can't find info on it, because you don't have the complete part number).
They gave me the full part number a few times, and then I could find info on it.
Good luck if this helps.