Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Those no-name 2 for ten bucks "shake lights"


Jasen Betts

I s'pose one could remove the LED and install a small radio circuit,
with the speaker at the business end? Hey, there's a "third world" product!

if you don't mind the dopplering... :)

Don Klipstein

Picked up a pair of those two for 5 bucks shake lights Walgreen's is
pushing this Xmas.

Complete box copy from mine (typos and "Engrish" *ALL* the box's fault!
- I ain't makin' this stuff up, folks - I don't need to - it's printed
right there in black and white two feet in front of my face!!! :) )

The Front:
The New Procuct
Come Into The Market

Torch For 21st Century
Rotate the box vertically 1/4 turn to find:

1 Only shake it to forward and backward while also use. So as to Make it
Generating to light up for brightness.


I got a few such flashlights fitting the description so far, and bought
them for $1.99 at a dollar store.

But after that - mine appear to be even worse than described by Don

In the ones I bought, the coil leads were shorted together, the magnet
clearly existed but as a clearly fake magnet that was clearly a
non-magnet, and the flashlight had CR2016 batteries, which I believe is a
non-rechargeable type.

However, true and truly-working-as-advetized shake-to-recharge
flashlights are out there.

As an example:

- Don Klipstein ([email protected])

dave madden

DK> I got a few such flashlights fitting the description so far,
DK> and bought them for $1.99 at a dollar store.
DK> But after that - mine appear to be even worse than described
DK> by Don Bruder!
DK> In the ones I bought, the coil leads were shorted together,
DK> the magnet clearly existed but as a clearly fake magnet that
DK> was clearly a non-magnet, and the flashlight had CR2016
DK> batteries, which I believe is a non-rechargeable type.

That's bizarre -- you'd think that the added cost of all that
non-functional crap, _plus_ the batteries and light, would exceed the
cost of really doing it. Hrmph. China. Go figure.


Mark Fergerson

Rich said:
Okay, we've all already read about the shake lights. So I'm gonna
go off here:

D'ya think some of us have had more (or less) practice than others at the
particular hand motion that (presumably) recharges these things? ;-p

Some of us have wives and/or girlfriends.

Mark L. Fergerson

Autymn D. C.

Don said:
Ack! Measurements listed bass-ackwards! It's a tad longer than its
diameter, so make that 9/16" long by 5/8" diameter.

And me giggling at the Engrish on the box... <sigh>

Check again, ametricer.

Autymn D. C.

funny how the chinese produce such inferior products....they mangle
english almost as badly as negros....yet they are gonna economically English
gut the USA

What do you mean almost?? Birds, whales, and toddlers have a better
grasp of speech than most Asians. (Don, don't say "have got" or "off
of".) But the Chinese can't gut anything; they are given more rope to
strangle themselves:

Jesus was touching children long before priests were:

phatty mo

dave said:
DK> I got a few such flashlights fitting the description so far,
DK> and bought them for $1.99 at a dollar store.
DK> But after that - mine appear to be even worse than described
DK> by Don Bruder!
DK> In the ones I bought, the coil leads were shorted together,
DK> the magnet clearly existed but as a clearly fake magnet that
DK> was clearly a non-magnet, and the flashlight had CR2016
DK> batteries, which I believe is a non-rechargeable type.

That's bizarre -- you'd think that the added cost of all that
non-functional crap, _plus_ the batteries and light, would exceed the
cost of really doing it. Hrmph. China. Go figure.


Hold on a minute,it gets better..
A guy on a forum bought 200 of the things..
They were powered off of the lithium coin cells inside..
They had the coil,but the leads didn't connect to anything,and the
"magnets" were just a slug of non-magnetic pot-metal type stuff..
No PCB,diodes,or anything.

He noticed cause the one he was using went dead,and shaking it didn't do
anything.He took apart 4-5 of them,and they were all the same!