MME Cheryl . . . . . .
Here's what I am seeing . . . .
There is the shown coaxial connector that connects
INTO the " mean machine " and then its being of an unspecified length until it goes into the
BLACK hand piece. ( Any chance that hand piece is micro cracked / fractured ? ? ? ? ? . . . . by my viewing limitations.)
And then it enters into the open end of the
BLACK hand piece where it goes into the unit probably ~80- 90%.
Now, about the 5 micron gold flashed screw in connector . . . . . I see it as using its threaded portion to screw inside the receiving end of the hand piece.
As for the gold flashed connector . . . . .GOOGLE banana plugs and jacks . . . . to initialize getting your Edd-u-cation on it.
Notice that you are interested in the male version of same and that there is being a deluxe version which has 3-4 multiple spring strip surround bifurcations, such that they will compress in and recover, so as to all
FIRMLY grip within the internals of its counterpart female connector.
HOWEVER, yours is being the El Cheapo version which is accomplishing that "snug fit ? " aspect by the slot cut in the length of the male stud , and then it is slightly having the two parts "sprung apart a wee bit " , until it will compress upon insertion within the female connector. ( Until it loosens)
That's permissible . . . if not being plugged in and out frequently OR flexxxxxxed . . . . . . . but being plugged in and left !
Otherwise, you will have a loose and wobbly connector and ? ? ? probability of intermittency ofa good electrical connection.
A temporary . . . .card carrying, certified Red Neck . . . . fix is a re-micro-spread of the two connector halve ends.
Now for that connector end, I am seeing it NOT going into an O-FUSH-ULL Banana female connector, but into a CUSTOM shaped tiplet with a hole of the size of a banana connector within it for entering maybe a required depth of 3/4 inch.
With that tiplet, also being Gold flashed . . . . . .by virtue of due consideration of germicidal contamination or infection being considered.
Now back to the coax . . . . .
Figure that the coax will be stripped of its outer black plastic insulation and its surround braided shield, down to the pictures condition . . . .but doing a NEATER peripheral cut off of the braid !
Then, this routes thru the receiving end of the handle and you then go up close to the end of the coax shield and cut away the white poly insulation to expose the bare center wire which is what is carrying your RF energy.
Then, that now much shorter wire end gets . . . .(probably bent at a 90 degree angle and cilpped off 1/8 in long at the factory ) . . . . butt soldered onto the very end of that banana plug.( See the old solder tinning deposit)
Basically the outer coax shielding does its shielding function of that active inner single copper wire up to its cut off, then there is about a 1/4 -1/2 inch run of that white poly insulated single copper wire, until its insulation is cut off and exposing the remaining ~ 1/4 in of wire with its a 90 degree end bend for butt soldering.
Now my suspicion, if this unit gets a WHOLE lots of COMMERCIAL business use, is that the looseness of the coaxial cable within the handle and with an impending 1,376 and 11/73rds flexures AND / OR PULLS . . . . . has that wire breaking off at the solder point.
Repair the cable handle connection and then wedge in and break off toothpicks at the coax input end
****** , that will then take away all " cable flopping " AND any cable in and out PULL stress within the handle.
If also having a problematic loosening of the split banana plug connector, upgrade to the deluxe one, and not particularly worrying
IF a gold flashed version is not available , as, with the attachment being gold flashed, fulfills the more critical " flesh contact " aspect.
Now . . . . .is this not being your units situation ?
Unless you are having a weakened . . . . . split / fractured hand piece
Pee Ess . . . . . viewed work surface mini tiles / grout surfaces need a good surgical scrubbing and germicidal treatment..
Thaaaaaaaaassit . . . . . .
73's de Edd . . . . .
It wasn't COVID . . . but . . . . my friend just had the 24 hour bug . . . . but was gone for a full three days . . . . now . . . . . go figure that !