Hop - AC8NS
Apology accepted.I apologize for offending you in any way, I agree that some of the things I asked should have been googled instead of posted on the forum.
It's not that you have offended me (my skin has grown pretty thick by now), but that you have surely wasted the time of both me and other members of this forum by posting "questions" for which you can easily find answers using search engines... that's what they are there for!
There is a cure for this that I am loathe to employ: I can simply flag you as a person of non-interest so none of your posts will ever appear on my screen again. That seems to be rather draconian, and I have never had to resort to it, although a few years ago some posters (who shall remain anonymous) came very close.
Members here do try to help folks who help themselves, so please help us to do that by at least becoming familiar with whatever you want to discuss before posting questions about it. Give it some thought... a LOT of thought... and if you are still stuck and cannot grasp a concept, post a question asking for clarification... but show us that you understand the issue that needs to be clarified.