I think John Devereaux fingered the biggest item, which is that
microprocessors are getting faster, cheaper, and smaller.
This, in turn, is driving more and more of the "brains" of systems into
software rather than dedicated analog or digital hardware. More and more
often, the most sensible way to view a microprocessor in some circuits is
as a very versatile and flexible analog component, that happens to need
some digital massaging to do its job.
This, in turn, means that the analog designer needs to be able (at least)
to understand what software can do, and the software designer needs to be
able to understand what the analog designer wants.
Best, of course, is to be trained and/or facile in both disciplines
Case in point: in 1988 I was working on my Master's thesis, building a
data-link radio receiver (which I found out years later that my thesis
advisor didn't think was going to work). The original system design
called for the data demodulation to be done on a 4x5 circuit card with
switches and integrators and oscillators forming a couple of PLLs, with
analog signals being sampled at 400Hz by ADCs in the microprocessor that
ran the front panel.
The demodulation ended up being in the microprocessor, which sampled the
audio out of the receiver section at something like 3500Hz and did all of
the PLL-ing and demodulating in digital-land.
Since then arguably by biggest single body of work has been to take
really high performance control loops, and move more and more of the
brains of the loops from analog hardware into software, with overall
gains in compactness, power consumption, thermal stability, and unit-to-
unit variation, not to mention being able to do useful tweaks in the
control laws involving nonlinearities that are easy to implement in code,
but would require fields of piecewise-linear approximations if you even
attempted the task in analog-land.
My liberal friends think I'm a conservative kook.
My conservative friends think I'm a liberal kook.
Why am I not happy that they have found common ground?
Tim Wescott, Communications, Control, Circuits & Softwarehttp://