Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The chainsaw spoof!! Reaction?


Don McKenzie

Very strange,

48 hours ago, I posted the USB chainsaw item.

It starts a thread that covers every thing from horsepower formula to
75A USB ports.

It also generates the usual amounts of comedy, no abuse, (very unusual
for any thread today), and some new theories in electronics and mathematics.

24 hours later, I deliver the tag line, the spoof, the kicker:

I wait another 24 hours for the reaction.
Guess what?
No reaction.

I guess I place the "Hello?" Icon here.

Have a good weekend, or like me, are you trying to give them up?

Cheers Don...

Don McKenzie

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Don McKenzie



going to use that when the wankers from the CMCA pull up right next to us
because they are lonely
the external speakers will chase anybody away with that chainsaw sound

Boudewijn Dijkstra

And everybody knew it was a spoof.

Well, it was obviously a spoof and the "reveal" was pretty
lame: you can download a program that plays a sound. Not much
to react to.

It is not about the saw sound, it's about creating awareness (and looking
for awareness in electronics&embedded engineers is almost like looking for
sand in the desert).

Also, consider how much heat and greenhouse gases were emitted in the
creation and accessing of the website.

Indeed not really something worth reacting to.