Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Testing an STK0177 amplifier....need advice!

I have come across an old Technics SA5160 stereo receiver that I am trying to bring back to life. There is no sound coming from the right channel. Each channel uses an STK0177 IC amplifier. Basically I have two questions. First, how can I test the STK0177 and second, how can I test the VR balance control? If anyone could help with explaining this and offer other potential issues in that part of the circuit I would appreciate it. It's been a long time since I've messed around with electronics and not real sure where to start.


hi there
welcome to EP :)

have you done any googling for a service manual or at minimum a schematic ?
its probably going to be needed for a repair like this :)

if and when you find one post a link to it so that those that may be able to help can see what they are dealing with

Hi Mcass,
You can find the service manual here.
Under the the preview picture it will say .....processing.
WAIT a couple of seconds and it will say "Get Manual".

Hi Mcass,
You can find the service manual here.
Under the the preview picture it will say .....processing.
WAIT a couple of seconds and it will say "Get Manual".


I was able to find a service manual but that doesnt tell me how to actually test the components in question. I can find them, just not sure how to test to verify which component is actually the issue here.