Arfa Daily said:
You do have some interesting problems and potential solutions !! I've
never had a problem running an amp into a dummy for high power testing. I
built myself one a long time back. I incorporated a power meter, a small
speaker with a volume control to monitor with, a pass-through jack so that
you can go on out to a speaker, but keep the power meter section
connected, a BNC output for a 'scope, and a fall back impedance switching
system, with bright LED indicators. If I do want to test into a speaker, I
have a piece of thick high density foam on which I place the cabinet face
down, on a concrete floor. You can then run that fairly hard, without
kicking up too much noise.
Well, I'm not doing it for hours on end, but not for just a few seconds
either. Most of my high power tests are done into a dummy load as I said,
but occasionally, when I do want to test the 'real' dynamic performance into
a complex load, as you say, just to make sure that the output stage is
stable under those conditions, I just lay the cab face down on the foam, as
described, and have never had a problem. I would guess that the air still
shifts ok through the foam, just that it is broken up by the foam acting as
microbaffles like a car exhaust silencer. It doesn't produce a totally quiet
situation, but does attenuate the sound quite a bit.